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The sun was starting to rise and we set off to look for Sophia. Daryl didn't want me to come but my stubborn butt protested and said that with more eyes we'll have better luck and he actually agreed with me. So we were in the woods following Rick as he led us to where he told Sophia to stay.

"I told her to stay and hide here until I got back but when I came back she wasn't there anymore so I figured she started heading back to the highway. I told her to keep the sun on her left shoulder to get back to the highway." Rick said.

"It looks like she was doing what you told her." Daryl said. "Her footprints are heading in the direction of the highway and the sun is on our left shoulder." He added.

"So if she was heading to the highway, why didn't she show up?" I asked.

"Maybe she ran into trouble and ran a different way." Daryl said. That would be the only explanation.

"Why don't we follow her tracks to try to find out where she went since that's the only way we'll know." I replied. We all followed the prints until they went a different way.

"She turned and went that way." Daryl said.

"But look, there's another set of footprints." I said, pointing at them. "She must have came up to a walker and ran away from it in that direction." I said. We were in the woods until the sun started going down and we decided to head back to the highway.

"Did you find her?" Carol asked.

"I'm sorry we didn't but we found her tracks." Rick answered. "She was heading to the highway but she turned and we found another set of tracks. She ran away from something." He added.

"You mean a walker was following her?" Carol asked.

"We don't know if it was a walker, it could've been someone that's still alive." I said.

"Then why would she run away from them?" Carol asked, getting angry.

"Because she probably didn't trust them so she ran from whoever it was." I answered. "And if it was a walker, it wouldn't be able to catch up to her because she's faster than the walker is, so she probably got away from it." I added.

Without saying anything, she turned and walked away from us. I understand she's worried about her daughter but she has to understand that we are trying to find her. We can't just magically find her. We rested until the sun was rising again and we went out searching. This time we split up. Rick, Shane, and after a lot of convincing from Carl, Rick let him go with them.

It was me, Daryl, Lori, Glenn, Carol, and Andrea. We sat down to rest since we've been out here for awhile and someone came towards us on a horse.

"Which one of you is Lori Grimes?" The woman asked.

"I am, why? What's going on?" Lori asked.

"Your son was shot and he's at our farm." The lady said.

"Take me to him." Lori said.

"You ain't going with some stranger Lori." Daryl said.

"I have to see my son." Lori said, getting on the horse with the woman.

"We're going to the Greene farm, just down the highway just turn right and follow the road." The woman said, before riding off. We ran back to the highway to get everybody and we made our way to the farm.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now