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I woke up and got dressed. I walked outside and went to get my wound checked on and came back out with another bandage. I walked to the truck and Daryl was showing where we're going. They didn't want me to come but I said that I wanted to help and they didn't argue with me.

"We stick to this road, keep to the trees. We'll get there quicker." Daryl said. "Plus we can keep an eye on the road that way." He added.

"Yeah if they are planning something, we'll see it." Rosita said.

"You think we can trust Gregory? What he told us?" Michonne asked.

"I locked him up inside the house. He knew I wouldn't let him walk around freely. He knew he was coming to that." Maggie said. "He doesn't believe in anything except himself and he's have to believe in the Saviors a whole lot to send us into a trap and think it would work for him." She added.

"Unless Dwight didn't tell him. That asshole could be setting us up." Daryl said.

"Daryl could be right. For all we know, Dwight could be sending us into a trap." I said. Rick picked the map up and folded it.

Morgan then walked past us, looking for something or someone. Carol went to talk to him but I kept watching. The gate then opened and captured Saviors were walking back in from doing what they had to do. Morgan started marching towards them to kill them until Henry tried to stop him but Morgan pushed him down and aimed his stick at him. I ran up to him but stopped between him and Henry.

"Morgan, put the stick down. He's not an enemy and neither are they." I said. Carol slowly took the stick out of his hands and I turned and Henry stood up and hugged me. He was scared from what Morgan did. "It's alright Henry. You're okay now." I said.

"They were gone. Him. They were coming in." Morgan said, pointing at the captured Saviors.

"I asked Maggie we could clear the walkers from the wall." Alden said. "We drew them away so we wouldn't have to worry about them when we roll out." He added.

"He did." Maggie said. Morgan looked at Henry, who was still hugging me but was looking at Morgan, and you can see the regret in his eyes.

"Let's finish getting ready. First team's going in 20." Rick said. I'm in Rick's team so I can be around him.

"He said when we roll out." Maggie said. "You and your people aren't coming. You're going to be here but you're not us." She said, walking away from Alden. I walked Henry back to the house and told him to stay at the house while Alden and his group are walking around doing what they have to do. I walked away and saw Alden looking this way. I smiled then walked away to finish getting ready.

"Come on Maddie, we're leaving now." Rick said.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said, grabbing my handgun and put it in the holster and put my knife in the sheathe on my leg and put the assault rifle around my shoulder. I ran up and got beside Rick. He grabbed my hand and we began leaving holding hands.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now