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Rick and Daryl went to tell Tyreese about Carol admitting to killing Karen and David. I'm hoping that Tyreese won't hurt them because I know Tyreese has a bad temper and he already hit Rick. I was outside getting fresh air because I needed it.

"Hi Maddie." Carl said, behind me.

"Hey Carl." I said, smiling.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry." I replied. I know Rick don't want him to know or at least not yet. "So what were you going to do before you saw me out here?" I asked.

"I was just patrolling. What were you doing?" He asked.

"I was just getting fresh air since I missed it so much from being in there forever." I said, chuckling.

"I'm glad you're better now Maddie and I'm glad the flu didn't harm my baby sister or brother." He said.

"I'm glad too. So which do you want most? Another baby sister or a baby brother?" I asked.

"A baby brother but I'm fine with both Maddie." He responded.

"I am too and I know you both will get along well." I said, smiling again. We were interrupted by a part of the prison blowing up, causing me and Carl to duck down.

"What's going on?" Carl asked. I looked and saw the Governor with lots of vehicles and a fucking tank.

"Shit!" I exclaimed. The others soon joined us.

"Rick! Come down here!" The Governor shouted. "We need to talk!" He shouted again.

"It's not up to me!" Rick shouted back. "There's a council now!" He continued. "They run this place!" He added.

"Is Hershel on the council?!" The Governor asked. How does he know his name? Someone then pulled someone out of a red car and it was Hershel. I widened my eyes and covered my mouth. "What about Michonne? Was she on the council too?" He asked again. They then pulled out Michonne.

"I don't make decisions anymore!" Rick shouted.

"You're making the decisions today Rick!" The Governor responded. "Come down here and let's have that talk." He said.

From the way Rick looks, he's going to go talk to him. He hugged Carl then came over to me. He hugged me and kissed me.

"Please be careful." I said. He kissed the top of my head.

"I will Maddie." He said, walking to the Governor.

"He can't take them alone." Daryl said. "Go through the admin building of the woods as we planned. We don't got the numbers no more." He added. They started discussing more but I was tuning them out because I was watching Rick. "If everything goes south, head over to the bus. Let everybody know." Daryl said.

"What if it ain't around when things get bad?" Tyreese asked. "How long do we wait?" He asked

"As long as we can." Daryl answered.

While the Governor was distracted, Daryl gave us all a gun just in case everything hit the fan. I was scared of that happening but I know we can't control it. We got ready to shoot if we needed to. Daryl was between me and Carl.

"No." I said, holding my tears in as I saw the Governor used Michonnes katana to slash Hershels neck.

" I said, holding my tears in as I saw the Governor used Michonnes katana to slash Hershels neck

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We continued watching what was happening. The Governor then cut Hershels head off, killing him. "No!" I exclaimed, the tears starting to fall.

"Nooo!" Rick shouted, before shooting the Governors arm.

"Nooo!" Rick shouted, before shooting the Governors arm

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We all started to shoot at them. I saw Rick fall behind the bus but he was still moving. The tank started to bust through the fence and was soon inside.

"I'm out of ammo!" I heard Beth shout.

"Run back, I'll cover you!" Maggie shouted.

I tried to stay calm so I can hit them. Rick then tackled the Governor to the ground and started hitting him. I was trying to cover him but I'm running low on ammo but I don't want to leave without Rick. The tank came through the gate next to us and we got behind cover. I heard a walker behind me but before it was able to grab me, Daryl killed and used it as a shield.

"Maddie! Go!" Daryl shouted.

I shook my head and continued shooting. I went on the other side of Daryl away from the tank and shot the people that I could. Daryl then threw a grenade killing the ones that didn't move out of the way in time. He then quickly ran to the front of the tank and pushed a grenade through the barrel of the tank and whoever was inside, quickly got out of it. I shot who I could before I ran out of ammo.

I had my handgun in the back of my pants and I pulled it out and started shooting at them again. The man that was shooting the machine gun that was on the tank got shot in the chest by a bolt. He fell to the ground and died. I saw Michonne stab the Governor with her sword and I saw Rick crawling.

I heard Rick shout and I saw walkers going around the tank. Before they had the chance to get to Rick, Carl shot them and killed them. Carl and I ran to Rick and we all hugged. We saw Judiths carrier on the ground and a walker close by. Carl shot it and saw that Judith wasn't there but it was covered in blood. Rick started to cry with me joining and Carl continued shooting the walker, letting out his anger.

"Carl, the walker's dead. You're wasting ammo." I said through tears, trying to make him stop shooting.

"Carl, we have to get out of here." Rick said.

The three of us ran away from the prison with me helping Rick since he had a gunshot wound to the leg. I was praying that the others got out and I was worried about Daryl. I'm worried about everyone but I don't want to lose Daryl.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now