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"Judith! Maddie!" We heard someone calling us.

"Come with us." I said. They nodded their heads and started following us. "Judith go run to them since they sound like they're not that far but be careful." I said.

"Okay." She said, running. After a bit of walking, we joined up with the group was searching for me and Judith.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah of course I am Aaron." I said. "We got more people. Me and Judith saved them." I added.

"You know we can't take them back." Rosita said.

"I dabbled in the culinary arts once upon a time ago." Luke said. "You know with a little bit of help, I can help whip this buck into a mighty fine osso buco." He added.

"Stew. We make stew." Eugene said. "More mileage for the masses." He added.

"There are more of you?" Magna asked.

"Way more, with walls and..." Judith said, before getting interrupted.

"Jude." Laura said. Me and her became friends a little while back. We heard the walkers approaching. Me and Eugene went and killed them then walked back to them.

"Let's just give them a chance but we keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't try anything." I suggested. "I'm not saying to trust them right off the bat but we could give them a chance." I added.

"If they don't go I don't go." Judith said.

"Okay, come on." Aaron said. We all started heading to Alexandria with a wagon. We had to put bags on their heads so they don't see how to get to Alexandria if they try anything.

After a long walk, we finally walked through the gates of Alexandria. They were looking around the place.

"Bigger than you expected, isn't it?" I asked.

"Mom!" I heard Liam shout. I turned and saw him running.

"Hey there buddy." I said, when he wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back then crouched down. Michonne then rode in and saw them.

"There are five unknowns and one is on the way to the infirmary." Someone told her.

"What are they doing here?" Michonne asked.

"It was my call." Aaron said.

"It's not your call to make." Michonne said.

"I decided." Judith said.

"Judith. You know the rules." Michonne told her.

"I helped her decide." I said. Michonne then looked at me. "I know the rules but we couldn't just leave them out there especially when one of them has a head injury. I said that we'll keep a close eye on them." I said.

It was the next day and we were gathered for the new group to be in front of the council, which I wasn't a part because I didn't want to be because it would be too much for me. After a while of talking, Michonne stood up and walked towards Magna. She grabbed her hand and looked at it.

"Can you show me your left hand?" Michonne asked Magna.

"Michonne, what are you doing?" Aaron asked.

"You get this at a truck stop?" Michonne asked.

"Screw. You." Magna said. I was curious on what Michonne found. I was seated between Judith and Liam.

"What is it?" Aaron asked.

"You want to tell him?" Michonne asked.

"Michonne, do you have something to say?" Aaron asked.

"It's a prison tattoo." Michonne said. Judith stood up and I was surprised at what she said. "The four dots are the walls. The one in the middle is you, the prisoner. Hard time." She said.

"Look all because she was a prisoner..." Aaron said.

"I can explain." Magna said.

"You want to tell the truth?" Michonne asked.

"Yes." Magna replied.

"Got nothing to hide?" Michonne asked.

"Nothing." She said.

"Put the knife on the table." Michonne said. She had a knife on her? How the hell did they not feel it? She took the buckle of her belt off and put it on the table. That's how they didn't feel it because the knife was her belt buckle. "I remember and I know that you do too." She said. "So go ahead, take your vote." She said. She then walked out of the building. I got up and left the building as well went to the house. I went to my bedroom and sat on the bed and put my head down.

"I thought I was done with this, done talking to you and you not answering back. But I watched what you did to protect him, how nothing else mattered but him and I need to be like that for them. I know it's not what we planned, not what we wanted, but you weren't here. And neither was he. You didn't have to go through the..." I said, before hearing a floorboard creek. I stood up and opened the door wider. "Judith?" I said, looking at her. "It's almost time for your lesson and your homework after that." I said.

"Okay mom." She said, walking away.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now