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We started going down a hallway and once we got to a part, the Saviors started shooting at us. A bullet almost hit me but I went behind the wall in time. We went another way and came up to another hallway.

"There! Go!" Rick shouted, pointing to the hallway to our right. We ran in that direction while getting shot at. They were on both sides of the hallway. We got behind cover and started shooting at them. Rick ran out of bullets while I was still shooting at them. He pulled out a handgun and started shooting again. I then ran out of bullets for my rifle and I pulled my handgun out of the holster on my belt. "I'm out!" Rick shouted.

"I'm just about out!" I shouted as well. Rick made a signal and then shot the fire extinguisher with the last bullet in his gun. Me and Rick ran inside the room we were just in. Daryl followed us and we killed the men when they came into the room through the smoke coming from the extinguisher.

"Teams of four, sweep the offices!" We heard Aaron shout.

"Aaron!" Rick shouted.

"Rick!" Aaron shouted back.

"We're by the elevator!" Rick told him. We all ran back to where Gracie was and I went over after putting my back in its holster and picked her up.

"Hi there sweetie, you're safe with us." I said, smiling at her. I walked outside and saw Aaron sitting down on the ground. I walked over to him and he looked up when Gracie made a little noise.

"She was inside?" Tobin asked.

"Yeah she was." I replied.

"I have a stop to make. Daryl's got his bike and Maddie is riding with him. Maybe she can go back with you or Scott-" Rick began to say before Aaron spoke.

"I'll take her with me." Aaron said. "I can take her to Hilltop. She'll be safe there." He added.

"Are you sure Aaron?" I asked.

"Eric and I were going to go up." Aaron said, before starting to cry. "We were going to go there after and update Maggie. So that's what I'm going to do." He added. I started smiling and I handed Gracie to him.

"Her name's Gracie." I told him. We walked away and followed Rick.

"See you back home." Rick said.

"You sure you want to talk to those assholes alone?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah. That's how it gets done." Rick said.

"You gone for too long, we'll come looking for you." Daryl said.

"That's the plan." Rick said, before someone started shooting the car. We pulled our guns out and aimed where it came from. Me and Rick went behind the car to take cover. "Hey! Hey! You're alone, you got to be! There's not enough room for two of you behind that tree! And there's a herd coming!" He shouted. "I'll tell you what, we'll make you a deal! You drop your gun and come out and you tell us what we need to know! You do that, you can take a car! You go, you get to live! How does that sound?!" He shouted.

"Why should I trust you?" The man said.

"Because I'm giving you my word! There's not a lot that's worth much these days but a mans word, that's got to mean something right?!" Rick shouted.

"O-Okay!" The man shouted. We got out of cover but me and Daryl was still aiming our guns towards him just in case he tried anything. "What do you want to know?!" He asked.

"You have any M2 browning .50 caliber guns here?" Rick asked him.

"We did for awhile." The man answered.

"What happened to them?!" Daryl shouted.

"They got sent to another outpost yesterday." He said.

"Which one?" Rick asked.

"It was Gavins, it's west of here." He said. "Can I uh, can I... go?" He asked, before Daryl shot him in the head.

"Which teams at Gavin's?" Daryl asked. We walked away and got ready to leave.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now