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(Trigger Warning ⚠️: Mention of Rape but I don't describe it.)

We pulled into what assume is the Sanctuary and came to a stop. I saw Negan standing on the metal platform and smiled when we pulled in.

"Come on girl." Simon said. I got out of the truck and Negan was soon standing close to us.

"You brought Rick's wife Maddie. I didn't know you were going to bring back this pretty woman." He said, holding Lucille. "Take the doll to a cell." He said, walking away.

"Come on." Simon said, pulling me by the arm. We stopped in front of a room and he unlocked it and tied my wrists and made me sit down on the floor.He then closed and locked the door. I looked down and let the tears fall to the floor.

About ten minutes later, the door opened again. I looked up and saw David walking inside. He knelt down so he was eye level with me.

"Please get away from me David." I begged.

"Maddie, I'm just trying to apologize for what I did." He said.

"Yeah right. I know you don't really want to apologize." I said.

"How do you know that Maddie? You're not inside my fucking head." He said. "I'm not even supposed to be in here but since I am, I'm going to make it worth my while." He said, closing the door.

"Please don't. Please." I begged, tears building up in my eyes. He ripped my shirt open and yanked my pants down.

"You make a sound, I will kill you." He said. The tears came streaming down my face.

After he left, I had my pants back on but my shirt was ripped and it exposed my bra. The door opened again and I saw Negan standing there.

"What happened doll?" He asked, kneeling down. I opened my mouth to tell him but no words came out. The only thing that came out was more tears. I needed to hug someone but I don't want to hug Negan because he is, well the enemy. I looked down and he sighed. I was praying that he wouldn't force me to tell him. "Was it serious doll?" He asked.

Since I couldn't speak, I nodded my head as an answer.

"Who all was down here?" He asked the man behind him.

"The only one that's been down here that I know of was Simon." The man said.

"Was it Simon?" Negan asked. I shook my head no. I want to tell him but I can't. Mainly because I was scared of what will happen if I do. "You'll tell me who it was when you feel comfortable." He said, standing up. "Get Maddie a new shirt." Negan told the person behind him. He then left and I was alone with my thoughts.

Maybe I should tell Negan but David might try something. Like he could torture me. Or worse, he could kill me.

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