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I was on the back of the motorcycle holding onto Daryl for dear life because he was going pretty fast. My jacket was flying with the wind and so was my hair that's in a ponytail. Rick was behind us in the Jeep going fast as well. I looked back with a smile and from what I can tell from where I am, he was smiling too. We came up behind a truck and Daryl pulled out his gun and I did the same and we started shooting at the man in the back with a machine gun. The man shot close to the motorcycle and we fell to the ground and slid across the asphalt, which is going to leave marks.

Rick went on past us and continued pursuing the truck. After a bit, the Jeep started smoking from under the hood and me and Daryl came up behind him and started shooting at them again. The man was hit and he fell to the bed of the truck, most likely dead. The man driving the truck and Rick were zigzagging, making it look like leap frog. Rick made it beside the truck and jumping out of the Jeep and into the truck and started attacking the man behind the wheel. The truck zigzagged a bit and the man then fell out of the truck and onto the road. The truck broke through the guard rail and went off the road.

Daryl came to a stop and we jumped off and went looking for Rick. We saw the truck on its side and we got more worried. We then heard the leaves rustling and we turned to see what was causing it.

"Hey." Rick said, climbing through the tall grass and came up beside me. "We got the guns." He said.

"You look like shit." Daryl said.

"Let's go see if the asshole is alive." Rick said. We then started walking away until I slipped and rolled down the slope until I got to the bottom.

"Maddie!" Daryl shouted. I was just lying there because my arm was hurting a little bit.

"Are you okay?!" Rick asked. "Your arm is bleeding." He said, lifting my arm which made me wince a little bit. My jacket was ripped and it was one of my favorite jackets too.

"I'm fine. Probably just rolled on top of a rock and cut my arm." I said, standing up with Rick's help. "But let's get back to what we were going to do even though we have to climb back up there." I said. We finally made it back up the slope and walked to the man.

"Your people back at the chemical plant, did you win?" Rick asked, aiming his gun at the mans head. I had my hand on the wound on my arm and put pressure on it. The man slowly turned onto his back and groaned.

"No one did." The man said.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Daryl asked. The man coughed before Daryl kicked him in the side slightly and aimed his gun at the mans head. "The hell is that supposed to mean?" He asked again.

"Everyone's dead." The man said.

"Bullshit." Daryl said, putting his gun down.

"There's no one else? You're the only one?" Rick asked.

"Me. The king. The ax man. The short-haired psycho bitch. The female redneck bitch. You did this. My people, your people, they're all gone. Damn. And now, me too." He said, before dying. Rick pulled out his switch blade and stabbed him the head to keep him from turning. We walked away and went down the slope to get to the truck. I was trying not to slip again because once is enough for me.

"Hey give me a hand with this." Daryl said. Rick walked over and helped since I can't because of my wounded arm. They got the box off the truck and Rick opened it, revealing dynamite and other explosives. Daryl brought over a bag and they started stuffing the explosives into it, carefully of course. "We can use these now." He said.

"What?" Rick asked.

"Think about it, there ain't no Kingdom anymore." Daryl said.

"Yeah." Rick said, trying to follow along with him.

"You know what we have to do. We blow open the Sanctuary, let the walkers flood in. They'll surrender. It'll be done." Daryl said. "Hell, we could end this by sundown." He added.

"They have workers, right? Families too. Are there?" Rick asked.

"We'll hit the south side of the main building. The workers live in the north side. They'll be up the stairs before the walkers can even get inside." Daryl said.

"What if they don't? There are people in there that aren't fighters, doing this could change that. Make them pick up their guns and stand by the Saviors. And if the Saviors doesn't surrender, maybe everyone fights us. We don't have the kingdom anymore. We're not doing this." Rick said. All three of us stood there in silence.

"No, you ain't doing this." Daryl said, pushing Rick slightly and started walking away. Rick ran up and pulled him back.

"There's a plan and everyone's sticking to it." Rick said.

"Not everyone." Daryl replied. "There's a lot of our people who are dead Rick. Things change man." He said. "Negan and that other group, this is on them. If people die, it's their fault not ours." He added.

"Daryl we can't do this." Rick said.

"We got our own people to look after." Daryl said, walking away.

"We're not doing this." Rick said, walking after him. I was following them but not too closely because a fight may break out. "Hey I'm not letting you do this." Rick said. Daryl throw a punch at him and hit him in the face which made Rick fall to the ground.

"Daryl!" I shouted.

"This ain't your choice." Daryl said, grabbing the bag and started walking away again. Rick got off the ground and ran and tackled him to the ground. They both started fighting. Rick threw Daryl off of him then threw the bag over the truck. Daryl got Rick in a chokehold and brought him to the ground.

"Daryl! Stop it! Let him go!" I shouted. I looked beside me and saw the truck catching on fire. "Son of a bitch!" I shouted. "Both of you! Come on, the truck is going to blow!" I shouted at them. We all ran away from the truck and it blew and it made us go flying. I slammed against a tree and groaned in pain. I sat up and put my back against the tree and just sat there, trying to fight the pain. Rick and Daryl sat and watched the explosives going off. Once the explosions finished, they stood up and saw me against the tree and came over to me.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Rick asked.

"It's just my back and arm. I kind of got slammed into the tree and it might hurt for me to stand for a little bit." I said.

Daryl came over and picked me up bridal style which made pain shoot through me because his arm was against my sore back. We went back to the Jeep and Rick tried starting it. Daryl put me in the passenger seat while he went to get the motorcycle.

"There's a plan. We have to see it through." Rick said.

"We have to win." Daryl said.

"Yeah we do." Rick said. "Chokeholds are illegal, asshole." He said, which made me chuckle.

"Yes, it is." Daryl said. Rick came over and picked me up gently to not hurt me.

"Guess I'm walking." Rick said.

"Yep." Daryl said.

"I'll meet you when I finish the last play." Rick said, putting me on the motorcycle behind Daryl. I carefully wrapped my arms around Daryl's torso and held onto him.

"You sure about doing it?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, I am." Rick said, walking away. Daryl started the engine and we began to leave.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now