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I woke up and saw Daryl still sleeping even though he usually wakes up before me. I sat up and stretched before standing up. I walked to the bathroom and splashed water on my face to at least try to wake me up more. I walked out of the room and walked into the hallway.

I sighed before walking around and I saw Shane. I was confused why he was awake but I decided not to question. He turned and saw me then made his way towards me. I was going to turn to walk away until he grabbed my shoulders and made my back go against the cold wall.

"Shane, what are you doing? Let me go." I said. He didn't let go but instead he tightened his grip. He put his head in the crook of my neck and bit down, making me scream out. The door to the room I came out of opened and before Daryl came out but Shane already ran.

"Maddie, what happened? Why did you scream?" Daryl asked, concerned. I didn't respond and he must've saw the mark that Shane left. "Who did this to you Maddie? Tell me who did it." He demanded. I wanted to tell him but I was afraid what would happen if I did. I stayed silent mainly because the past trauma made its way back into my head. I felt tears start to fall from my eyes and Daryl pulled me into his chest and held me tight. "It's alright Maddie, I'm right here, you're safe with me." He assured. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest.

"What's going on here?" Rick asked.

"I don't know she won't tell me but she has a mark on her neck and I know exactly what it is." Daryl responded.

"What is it?" Carl asked.

"It's a hickey and I doubt she wanted it." Daryl answered. I made a fist in the back of Daryls shirt, scared.

"So someone tried to rape her?" Glenn asked.

"Yeah and if I find out who did it, I'll beat the living shit of them." Daryl replied.

I was shaking a lot and he lead me back in the room. I laid back down in the bed in went into a ball under the covers. I stayed like that until the door opened. I tensed up and looked to see Rick walking in.

"It's alright Maddie, it's just me. I'm not going to hurt you." He assured. I loosened up a little and he walked over. "What happened? You can tell me." He asked but not pushing me to tell him.

"I think I should tell you what happened to me before all this." I said, sitting up. He just sat there and waited for me to tell him. His eyes was soft and he let me tell him at my own pace. "When I was fifteen, I had this boyfriend and I loved him but one day he started acting differently towards me." I said.

Rick didn't speak and waited for me to speak again.

"One day he wanted to do it with me but I wasn't ready. He didn't take no as an answer and he forced me to do it and I was crying the whole time and when he finished with me, he broke up with me and left me crying." I said, tearing up. "When Daryl came home, he heard me crying and ran up to my room to see me crying on my bed with nothing on. I told him what happened and said that he'll beat the shit out of him like he did earlier. After that, he never let me out of his sight. That's when I learned how to hunt and it helped take my mind off of it." I said, faintly smiling with tears falling down my face. When he saw that I was done talking, he spoke.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I wish I could've done something to help you." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder slowly so he wouldn't scare me.

"There's nothing you could've done Rick and you wouldn't around then. And it's in the past but what happened earlier sort of brought it back." I said, looking down.

"Is it alright if I hug you?" He asked, seeing if I was okay with it.

I nodded my head and he slowly wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe in his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and I was no longer tense. The door flung open and we pulled away to see Daryl.

"What the hell?!" He shouted.

"Daryl, it's not what it looks like!" I quickly said. "We were just speaking and I started crying and he just wanted to help me, that's all!" I added.

"Fine I believe you but we have to get out of here! Now!" He exclaimed. Rick helped me out of the bed and we ran.

"Daryl, what's going on?!" Rick shouted, while running.

"That bastard is going to blow this place up!" Daryl answered, when we got down to the main room. Everyone was going crazy while Sophia and Carl were crying a bit.

"This isn't the way we want to die!" Lori exclaimed. I saw Shane getting ready to shoot the man but Rick quickly ran over and stopped him. I got closer to Daryl when Shane got close to me after Rick calmed him down. I wrapped my arms around Daryl and I think he figured out who tried to rape me in the hallway.

After finally convincing him, he let us leave but we had to hurry. We were running and soon we were back outside. We took cover and Daryl pulled me under him to cover me then the place blew up.

We got in the vehicles and left to try to find somewhere we can stay.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now