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When Negan opened the casket, Sasha came out as a walker and made Negan fall and he fell on top of me. A Savior pulled her off of Negan and he got bit in the eye. Negan helped me up and pulled me to Simon and the three of us hid.

"Plan B it is." Negan said. Simon shot and Negan kept his grip on me so I don't run. All shooting soon stopped and Negan pulled me into Alexandria.

I saw Rick limping over and I saw blood on his hip, which made tears down my face, well more tears. He pushed me to kneel down. Rick was then between me and Carl.

"Hello again." Negan said. "Well shit Rick, I guess you couldn't just stick with us. You just had to go with these filthy garbage people." Negan said. "No offense." He added.

"The deal is for twelve, yes." The woman said.

"Ten." Negan said. "People are a resource." He added.

"Twelve." She said. It was silent for a little while until she spoke again. "Ten." She said.

"Rick. This is just going to make you sad, broken, you were going to wish you were dead. I like having fun, I do. But maybe you thought that the guy who did what he did to your friends wasn't me, like that was some put-on, like I'm not the guy with the bat. I'm just the guy that makes your kid and wife spaghetti." Negan said. "Oh shit, maybe this is on me. Maybe this is all on me. I got to make it right, I guess I have to start all over again. I got to tell you Rick, if I had a kid, I'd want him to be just like your kid which makes this so much harder." He said.

"You're not going to win." Carl said.

"Carl, it is over. Why don't you point your one ball up the street and take it all in?" Negan said. We then heard a woman scream and I saw someone falling off a building. More tears were in my eyes thinking it was one of us. "Oh, you just lost someone you care about just now." He said.

After he talked for a few more minutes, he was crouched down in front of Rick.

"I truly don't know what more I could've done to warn you. This isn't a warning. This is a punishment." Negan said. "I'm going to kill Carl now. I'm going to make it one nice, hard swing. Try to do it in one because I like him. I just want you to put that in your brain and roll it around in your brain for a minute." He said. "I'm going to kill Carl and then Lucille here, she's going to take your hands." He said.

"You can do it right in front of me. You can take my hands, I already told you...I'm going to kill you. All of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but nothing is going to change that...nothing. You're all are already dead." Rick said. I saw Negans jaw muscles clench meaning he's getting angry. He started smiling and chuckled a second later but that doesn't change the fact that he's most likely angry at what Rick said.

"Wow Rick. Okay." Negan said, standing up fast. He walked behind Carl and took his hat off. "You said I could do it." He said, lifting Lucille. Before he was able to hit Carl, a Tiger jumped on one of the Saviors and Negan stopped and looked. They started running and shooting. We saw people running into sight and I saw that it was Ezekiel and more people from the Kingdom.

"End the Saviors and their accomplices!" Ezekiel shouted. I stood up and helped Rick stand up. "Alexandria will not fall! Not on this day!" He shouted. I was handed a gun and I started shooting at the Saviors. I then saw Maggie coming with everyone from the Hilltop. I smiled before shooting again.

After a little while, we saw a homemade smoke bomb go off and it blocked our view from anyone that could be escaping. We went to the back of the RV and I saw Maggie and Paul.

"They're falling back." Rick said.

"Eduardo, Bertie, between the houses- cover the gate." Maggie said. They ran to do what they were told. "Let's go." She said, running with Paul and Enid following behind her. I went with Rick and shot any Saviors that didn't escape on time.

"Now we finish this!" Ezekiel shouted. They ran to find any Saviors or the garbage people that was still here with me and Rick joining them. I held onto Rick so he doesn't fall down. We were chasing and shooting at the truck Negan was in but then we started getting shot at and we hid.

Me, Rick and Carl ran to where that woman fell from and we saw one of those garbage people on the ground. We ran into the building and went upstairs and saw Michonne sitting against the wall with blood on her face.

"Michonne." I said. She slowly turned her head and smiled seeing me.

"Maddie, you're okay." She said.

"Yes I am but look at you." I said, crouching down. I started looking at her wounds.

"Negan didn't do anything to did he?" She asked. I looked down and figured later I should tell Rick what happened at the Sanctuary. "He did, didn't he?" She asked.

"No he didn't. He helped me actually but obviously that doesn't mean that I like him." I said. "But enough me, we have to fix you up." I said, helping her stand up and I brought her to a house and had her lay down. I then treated her wounds after cleaning the blood off her face.

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