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We were back at Alexandria and I was still thinking about what I said. It might've been Negan but I just find it weird that he would get himself captured just like that. I was sitting on the steps with Liam in my lap, giggling. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Rick sitting beside me.

"What are you thinking about Maddie?" He asked.

"I was thinking about what I said yesterday. It just rubs me off the wrong way and I know that may have been Negan but it's weird how would get captured that easily." I said. "It's just been running through my mind ever since we got back. I'm probably wrong but I can't seem to push it out of my head." I added.

"It's a good conclusion Maddie. And maybe you're right and we killed the wrong person but we couldn't take a chance letting him live even if he wasn't the real Negan." He told me.

"I just hope that was the real Negan so we wouldn't have to worry about him." I said, when Liam started bouncing up and down in my lap. Me and Rick both smiled at that. "Are you happy Liam? Are you happy sitting outside with your mommy and daddy?" I asked. He giggled and babbled.

"I love you Maddie. And we'll get through this." Rick said, putting his arm around my waist.

"I love you too Rick and I know we will, we always do." I said, smiling at him. Me and Rick stood up and walked inside and saw Carl sitting on the couch watching Judith play with her toys on the floor. "Hey Carl, can you watch Liam for us? We're going to walk around a little bit." I said.

"Of course I'll watch him." He said, smiling.

I walked over and handed him Liam and Liam smiled and giggled when he was in Carl's arms.

"Hey lil bro." Carl said.

Me and Rick then walked out. We heard something in the room where we kept Paul and went down to see Morgan looking at the walls he just did.

"Morgan. Why?" Rick asked, looking around the room. The door was replaced with a cell door and it looked like a prison cell.

"It'll give you choices next time." Morgan said. We both then walked out and started walking around again.

"Let's see if you can catch me Rick." I said.

"What about your arm?" He asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry," I assured him. He nodded and then I started running with him chasing me. "You can't catch me Rick!" I shouted.

"We'll just see about that!" Rick shouted back. Rick was right.

He soon caught me and picked me up bridal style. I was laughing with him laughing as well.

"Damnit!" I said, making him laugh more. He put me down and I saw Gabriel walking this way with a rifle on his back. "Looking good Gabriel!" I shouted, getting his attention.

"Thanks! You look good too Maddie!" He shouted back, making me blush. Me and Rick started walking around again.

It's now been a few days since we killed the so called Negan and we're basically doing the same things every single day and the days has been calm and we didn't have no trouble. I was walking down the street and I saw Daryl at the bike that the guy said he found. I was carrying Liam and I walked over to him.

"Hey Daryl." I said, smiling and Liam babbled at him. "Are you saying hi to uncle Daryl?" I asked.

Daryl looked up and smiled seeing Liam reaching out for him. He pulled a toy out of the bag and Liam looked like he wanted it. Daryl stood up and gave him the toy.

"Don't throw that at me Liam. Food is enough." I said, making Daryl chuckle. "I see you're happy that you got your bike back." I said.

"Yeah." He said. Liam started reaching out for Daryl to hold him.

"Liam wants you to hold him." I said. Daryl reached his arms out and I handed him Liam. "You look like a father holding him." I said, making him look at me.

"I'm fine with being an uncle." He said.

"Oh I know you'll be a great father Daryl. You just have to find someone first and no I'm not telling you to go find somebody." I said.

"I'm getting practice with Judith and Liam but like I said, I'm fine just being an uncle right now." He said, sitting on the step and I joined him.

"Maddie!" I heard Carl shouting for me.

"What is it?!" I shouted back.

"Can you come here please?!" He shouted.

"I better go see what he wants." I said, standing up.

"Okay Liam's staying with me, his most favorite uncle." He said.

"Of course. He can even sleep at the house with you." I said.

"I wouldn't mind that. Now go see what Carl wants Maddie." He said. I laughed then ran to Carl.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Denise wants to look at your arm to see if it's healing the way it should." He told me.

"Okay thanks for telling me." I thanked him.

"No problem Maddie." He said, going back inside.

I went to Denise and she took the bandage off my arm and looked at the bullet wound.

"How does it look?" I asked her.

"It's healing but I'm still going to disinfect it to keep germs and bacteria off it then wrap it again." She said, doing what she just said she would do.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now