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We were gathering together and we're going to push through to the cafeteria.

"You're not going." Rick said to Carl.

"Why?" He asked.

"We don't know what's in there and if we don't come back, you could be the last man standing. I'll need you to handle things around here." Rick replied. Carl nodded his head and we left.

I was beside Rick watching everywhere even if we were in a hallway. We came down to a hallway and Daryl stopped us. We waited and saw walkers heading this way. We ran and saw more walkers coming towards us from the other direction.

"Shit." I said. We got split up and Rick made us go in a room to hide from the walkers but Glenn and Maggie wasn't with us. We waited a little while before walking out. We went looking for Maggie and Glenn.

When we went around a corner, we heard Hershel yell. We ran back to see him getting bit by a walker in his ankle. I ran up and stabbed it in the head while Rick and T-Dog picked him up. Glenn and Maggie joined us and we went to a room with walkers coming after us.

We closed the door and Daryl put something through the handles to hold it closed. We backed up and I turned and saw Rick grabbing the hatchet he had and started chopping Hershels leg off. Once his leg was off, he was already unconscious.

"Duck." Daryl said, aiming his crossbow to the room at the back. I looked and saw men standing there, watching us and they looked surprised to see what Rick did. They came out and looked at Hershel.

"Hell." One of the men said. Glenn went to the room they came out of and came back with a table for us to put Hershel on. We then left after me and Daryl started clearing out the walkers that was on the other side of the doors.

"Open the doors!" Rick shouted, when we arrived at the cell block. We rolled him in and put him on a bed. I saw that Daryl wasn't with us and I went back to see him aiming at the door we just came through. I pulled my gun and aimed making Daryl look at me then back at the door. We heard talking until the men came in.

"That's far enough." Daryl said.

"Cell block C, Cell 4, that's mine let me in!" One of the men said.

"Today's your lucky day, you all are pardoned by the state of Georgia, you're free to go." Daryl said.

"What's happening in there?" Another man asked.

"Nothing that concerns you." Daryl said, still aiming at them.

"You don't tell me what concerns me!" The long black haired man said. That man was getting on my nerves but I was holding myself back from shooting him.

"We're free man, why are we still here?" One of them said.

"He's got a point there." I said.

"What's a group of civilians doing breaking into a place that they have no business being in?" The black long haired man said.

"Why don't you go find out?" Daryl said.

After awhile, we decided to help them clear out a cell block for them to stay in as a deal for them to give us half of their food. We were in a room and there was walkers on the other side of the door.

"Only open one door." Rick said. I learned that man with the long black hairs name is Tomas. I had a bad feeling that he's going to do something that could get us killed. He then opened both doors. "I said one door!" Rick shouted. We were killing the walkers and Tomas' weapon came close to hitting Rick in the head.

"Sorry." Tomas said.

I doubt that he's sorry, I'm pretty sure he wants to kill Rick. He then pushed a walker on top of Rick and made him fall on the floor. Daryl killed the walker and Rick stood back up. The walkers were soon dead and Rick didn't look happy. He faced Tomas.

"It was an accident." Tomas said.

"I get it." Rick said. "Shit happens." He said.

Then out of nowhere, Rick killed him with the machete going through the top of his head

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Then out of nowhere, Rick killed him with the machete going through the top of his head.

Then out of nowhere, Rick killed him with the machete going through the top of his head

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Rick pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man named Axel.

"I didn't have anything to do with what he did, it caught me by surprise." Axel said. Rick kept his gun aimed at him for a bit longer before aiming it Oscar.

"What about you?" Rick asked, pointing his gun at Oscars head.

"I never begged for my life and I'm not going to start today." Oscar said, with no emotion.

Andrew then ran through the doors that Tomas opened. Rick went chasing him while we stayed with Axel and Oscar. Rick came back without Andrew. I have a feeling what happened but I decided not to ask.

The group was soon back at the cell block while the two prisoners were in their cell block. I was standing at the cell entrance that Hershel was in while Rick went inside. Hershel then woke up and he was fine, well not completely fine since he is missing half of his leg.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now