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I was walking around while Carl is with Liam in the house. I saw a group of people saying things about the food.

"I can't even make two meals out of this." A woman said to Olivia.

"The soups and sauces can be stretched out with some extra water." Olivia told her.

"What difference does it make if we'll be dead tomorrow?" Another woman asked.

"We have to ration now—" Olivia started to say before a man interrupted her.

"I can't." He said. These people are starting to get on my nerves.

"Yes you can. If we give you all the food you want, we'll run out in a day or two. She's doing what she has to do." I said. "Believe me, I don't want to eat less either especially since I just had a baby a week or two ago but you don't see me complaining. If you had any brains, you'll know that we have to ration our food because we can't leave when there's a herd of walkers outside the walls." I said.

"I can't spend whatever time I have left watching my family starve." He said, looking at me.

"You think I do? I'm a parent so I understand but this food has to feed all of us until we can go and search for more." I said. "Do you not hear the walkers out there? Because as soon as someone opens or walks out that gate is dead because they won't be able to get away from the walkers and we won't have time to shut the gate. Do you really want to risk someone's life because you don't want to ration the food that's given to you?" I asked. "I'm dealing with having less food and if I can do it then you all can do it. Your family isn't going to starve. And you and your family isn't the only people living here. You people had it lucky, why don't all of you try being out there for months without any food or water. Me and my group survived on just a couple squirrels. If we were able to live off of squirrels then you all could live with rationing the food." I added.

"I'm sorry but I can't do it." The man said, pushing past Olivia.

"You put one hand on any of that food, I will give you even less than what Olivia was giving you." I said.

"You can't do anything to me." He said.

"Do you really want to test me? Do you have any idea what me and my group had to do to stay alive out there?" I asked. "We had to kill people. We killed a lot of walkers and we've seen people we love and care about die in front of us. I lost a lot of people I cared about right in front of me. I don't think you'll be able to survive one day out there. Hell, me and the group could've died and gotten eaten but we didn't because we killed the group. Inside of a church." I said. "So don't say that I can't handle myself because I was pregnant and I required more food to keep the baby healthy. At least you all have food instead of what we had to deal with. We had to deal with no food and no water, we were practically starving." I added.

"Hey stop it. Everybody stop. This food is for everyone. We have to make it last if we want to survive." Spencer said, walking up next to me.

"Why don't you go make sure the gate's closed, Spencer?" One of the men said, holding three or four cans in his arm.

"Yeah, that was me. I did that. But that truck outside the walls, it'd be inside if it wasn't for me." Spencer said.

"He's right. If he wasn't there the truck would've came right through and none of us would be alive." I said, defending Spencer.

"Where were you Bruce?" Spencer asked him. "Doing this will take us down a road where nothing matters. Where no one else matters. And then we'll all look back at this moment right now as when we destroyed this place." He said.

Everyone started putting the cans back on the shelf and took what Olivia gave them and walked towards their homes. Me and Spencer stood outside, watching them walk away.

"How did you get so smart Spencer?" I asked, chuckling.

"I guess after getting attacked by that group." He said, chuckling.

"I forgot to thank you for stopping that truck, you saved people's lives." I said, looking at him.

"We still lost people though." He said.

"We were caught off guard." I said, when Deanna walked towards us.

"Can I talk to Spencer alone Maddie?" She asked.

"Yeah of course. Bye." I said, walking away. I saw Aaron walking down the street and I ran to him. "Hi Aaron." I said, making him look at me.

"Hi." He said.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"It's my fault that group attacked us." He said. "All because I dropped and left my bag." He added.

"You had no way of knowing they were there and no way to know someone even found it. So don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." I said.

"Yes it is Maddie." He said, turning to face me.

"Even if it was your fault, which it isn't, what's done is done and we dealt with it and it's over now. We have to move on and we can't let it bring us down." I said, putting my hands on his shoulders. "Everyone makes mistakes it's part of life even in this cruel, dark world. All because the world ended doesn't mean we stop making mistakes. I made mistakes but I didn't let them get to me. Right now we have bigger problems to worry about, like what we're going do with the herd outside those walls." I said.

"Okay thank you Maddie." He said, hugging me.

I hugged him back and we walked to the wall where a few people were writing the names of the people we lost.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now