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I was walking down the street and I saw Judith on the step with her textbook in her lap, reading a math problem. I heard Negan talking to her.

"You know the strangers we brought here yesterday? They're going to make them leave." Judith told him.

"No I didn't know. But let me guess, you being you, you want to help them?" He asked.

"I found them. I brought them here." Judith said.

"Let me tell you something. When I was about your age, I used to bring home stray dogs. My mom, she hated it. I never understood why. They always seem so friendly and grateful. Until one day, I brought home the wrong dog." Negan said.

"What happened? Did it bite you?" She asked.

"Not me. That dog killed all the other strays, chewed half of my moms ear off when she tried to stop it. The thing is, that dog seemed just as friendly and grateful as the rest of them." He said.

"And what about after that? You ever bring home another dog?" She asked.

"Well hell no, I wised my ass up." He said.

"And look how great everything turned out for you." Judith said, standing up.

"Wait a minute, where are you going? I thought you wanted my help." Negan said.

"I do, but just with math." She said.

"Why just math?" He asked.

"Because it doesn't matter if you're a good or bad person on the inside. The numbers don't care." She said, walking into the house. Negan saw me watching.

"Thank you for helping her with her homework." I said.

"It's the least I can do." He said.

"I heard the stray dog story you told her, that was rough." I said. "But Judith is right, the numbers don't care if you're a good or bad person." I added.

"Mom! Can you help me with my homework? I don't understand any of it." Liam said.

"What subject is it?" I asked.

"History." He said.

"I was never that good in history but I'll help you." I said, chuckling.

"Mom can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Of course you can Liam." I said.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Believe or not but I'm 41." I said.

"You're old mom." He said.

"Hey! I'm not that old." I said, acting offended. "The kids you get these days." I said, chuckling. "Now let's work on that homework." I said. "Thank you again Negan." I said.

"No problem." He said, before we walked inside.

When Maddie Went Into Labor with RJ:

I was talking to Negan after bringing him his food when I felt a bit of pain then I felt something wet going down my legs.

"Ahhh!" I shouted.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Negan asked.

"My water broke." I said.

"Shit!" He shouted, going to the window and started shouting. "Someone come down here! Quick!" He shouted. The door then flung open and I saw Daryl running in.

"What's going on?!" He asked.

"Her water broke." Negan told him. Daryl then looked at me before running over to me.

"Come on, let's get you to Siddiq." He said, wrapping his arm around me and helped me walk to the infirmary.

"What happened?" Alden asked.

"She's in labor! Help me get her to the infirmary." Daryl said. Alden went to my other side and they both helped me get to the infirmary faster. Daryl opened the door and we went inside. "Siddiq! Get your ass over here!" He shouted. He ran over and all three of them helped me onto the table.

"She's in labor." Alden told Siddiq.

"Okay, I have to see how much she's dilated. How far apart are your contractions?" He asked.

"They just started a few minutes ago." I told him. Daryl helped Siddiq get my pants and underwear off.

"Okay, you'll have to spread your legs so I can check." He said. I did as he said and he did what he had to. "She's only 3 cm dilated. We're going to put your clothes back on and you're going to have to walk around to speed up the process." Siddiq said.

"How dilated does she have to be to give birth?" Alden asked.

"She needs to be 10 cm to give birth. Once she's 10 cm, that's when she can start pushing." He answered. Daryl walked me outside and we started walking around Alexandria. We've been walking for awhile and I was getting tired but my contractions were getting closer. They were now about 15 minutes apart. We walked around more until they were five minutes apart.

Daryl took me back to Siddiq. Daryl climbed onto the table and they put me between his legs with my back against him.

"Hold onto my hands Maddie." Daryl said. I grabbed his hands and got ready to push.

"When I say push, push for ten seconds then breath." Siddiq said, getting into position. "Alden get a blanket ready for me to put the baby in to keep him or her warm." He said

"Alright." Alden said, running and grabbed a blanket then brought it over.

"Okay she's 10 cm dilated." Siddiq said. "Push Maddie." He said. I started pushing and squeezing Daryls hands. I put my head against Daryl and yelled while pushing. After ten seconds, I stopped pushing and breathed in deep.

"You're doing great Maddie." Daryl said.

"Push!" Siddiq said again. I pushed again and yelled out. This went on for hours until one last push, the baby was out. "It's a boy!" He said. He cleaned him up then wrapped him in the blanket and handed my son to me.

"Hey there little guy." I said, exhausted.

"What are you going to name him Maddie?" Alden asked, when Daryl reached his arm around held his little hand.

"Rick Jr." I said, smiling.

"That's a great name Maddie." Daryl said. My pants were back on and Siddiq wanted me and Rick Jr. to stay in the infirmary so he can keep an eye on us. Rick Jr. was in a crib next to my bed and I was looking at him with a smile on my face. I soon felt myself falling asleep from exhaustion.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now