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We walked to the house and went inside. Glenn walked over and hugged me, slightly hitting my nose which hurt.

"Ow." I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit your nose." He quickly apologized.

"It's okay Glenn, I know it was an accident." I said,, chuckling. "But like I told Rick, I'm badass now. Never thought I'll jump on someone that fast in my life." I said.

"It made my sister badass." Daryl said.

"I was protecting everyone and when she punched Rick, I couldn't hold my anger back so I went for it." I said, chuckling.

"Y'all seen it. Don't make my sister mad." Daryl said, putting his arm around me. Everyone laughed until Paul opened the door.

"Gregory's awake and wants to talk." Paul said. Rick was about to walk in but Paul stopped. "He wants to talk to Maggie." He added.

Maggie walked inside and went to his room. Me and Rick just stood on the balcony looking around from there.

"I was scared when I saw what Nathan did. I was scared he was going to kill you." I said, looking at Rick. "And when that woman hit you, that made me break. I've never done anything like that in my life hell I wanted to choke her but I held myself back from doing that." I added.

"You were protecting someone you love Maddie." He said, getting closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I was proud of you, well, I was proud of you before but now I'm more proud." He added.

"I would've died protecting everyone I love. I would die protecting you, Carl, Daryl, Judith, Liam and everyone else. Because if I died protecting all of you, I'll know that I died protecting everyone I cherished and helped everyone live on." I said.

"We won't let you get killed Maddie, especially me and Daryl." He said.

I smiled and looked at him. He leaned down and kissed me. We pulled away and I put my head on his chest and we stayed like that for a little bit.

We were soon putting things in the RV and I was behind Rick. He bent over to put the basket down and I looked at his butt. I went up beside him and bent down to his ear.

"Nice ass Rick." I said, making him spring up straight and looked at me.

"You always catch me off guard with these things Maddie." He said, chuckling.

"You like it, don't lie." I said, putting the basket I was carrying down.

"Of course I do." He said, walking away and getting stopped by a man named Andy.

I didn't listen to their conversation though. I climbed into the RV and put the baskets in the back. Paul then walked in which scared the hell out me.

"I didn't mean to scare you Maddie." He said, laughing.

"Everyone is scaring me today. Everyone is so damn quit when they're walking." I said, laughing along with him.

"We do it to scare you Maddie." He said.

"Shut up." I said, laughing along with him.

Once everything was in the RV, I walked out. Rick walked over to me since I was now just standing at the door of the RV.

"Are you up for this Maddie?" He asked.

"It's going to be a fight." I said.

"We'll win." He said. "We have to." He added.

"Yeah we do." I said, leaning my back against the RV. I walked to the medical trailer and slightly opened the door. "Hi, can I come in?" I asked.

"Yeah you can Maddie." Dr. Carson said. I walked in and saw the ultrasound of Maggie's belly.

"Look at that little baby in your belly. Adorable." I said, smiling. "Congratulations you two. You both will make great parents." I said.

"Thank you Maddie." Maggie said.

The doctor finished with them and came over changed the bandage on my nose, which is the reason I came in here. After my bandage got changed, I said bye to Dr. Carson and walked outside. I saw Rick waiting for me beside the trailer door.

"You didn't have to wait for me Rick." I said, smiling.

"I wanted to. You ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded my head and we walked inside the RV and sat in the seats we sat in before and started heading back to Alexandria.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now