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"Come on doll. We're going to go visit your friend Eugene." Negan said, walking into the room. Why does he want to see him at this time of night?

"Okay." I replied, walking towards him. I wanted to sleep but now I can't. I don't know why I have to go with him but I know better than to say that I don't want to go. We soon came to a red door and he started banging Lucille on it. The door opened and I saw Eugene. It was like they were having a fucking eye staring contest because Negan just stood there.

"May we come in?" Negan asked, already walking inside. I followed him inside and Eugene closed the door. "So how are you liking it here?" He asked. I was looking around the room and it had what everything someone would need. "Are we doing right by Mr. Smartypants? You know Frankie and Tanya had nothing but good things to say about you." He said.

Who the hell is Tanya and Frankie? I thought a bit more and figured that they must be more of Negans wives.

"It's alright, I get it. I know how hard it can be to accept change to get on the right team. But I need you to understand something. I do not make this invitation to everyone. And I sure as shit, do not make it lightly." Negan said, getting closer to Eugene. I feel like something is going to happen by the way Negan is acting but yet again I could be wrong. "Hey. Hey. You do not need to be scared anymore, you don't need to be scared. You just have to answer my one question and it's a big one." He said.

I'm scared and he's not even talking to me, I'm just standing here watching the scene. And I hope Eugene answers his question correctly.

"Who are—" Negan began to ask before Eugene interrupted him.

"I'm Negan." Eugene said. The hell? Is he going to be on his side and ditch everyone else? "I'm utterly, completely, stone-cold Negan." He said. "I was Negan before I even met you I just needed to meet you properly to know. I'm Negan." He said, again. I'm trying so hard not to show how I'm feeling right now. I really want to hit someone at this moment in time. And of course, Negan was starting to smile at his answer.

"Alright, good. Come on doll." Negan said. Eugene looked at me but I didn't look at him. We continued walking until we got to my room again. "Now go to sleep doll." He said, walking to his room. I went and put the pajamas on and laid and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit that pillow.

A few hours later, I woke up from a nightmare and I had sweat beading down my face. I sat up straight and just sat there. I started crying remembering what happened in the nightmare.

I was in Alexandria with the Saviors and Negan was mad about something but I can't remember why. He had everyone lined up like that night Glenn and Abraham got killed. I was in the line and Negan killed each and every one of us but killed me last. He made me watch as each one of them died. He killed me in a slow, painful way. I was looking at Liam who was sitting beside Judith and they were both crying. I soon passed away.

I heard a knock on the door and it opened and of course it was Negan.

"Are you okay doll? Your screaming woke me up." He said.

"Sorry. I just had a nightmare." I said, still looking down at my hands in my lap. I heard him walking closer and he sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry about that doll. Do you want to tell what it was about?" He asked. Is this really Negan? The man who killed Glenn and Abraham? Who is this man that's sitting on my bed?

"No I don't really want to talk about it. It was just a dream." I said.

"Okay doll. Well, goodnight." He said, leaving the room. I laid back down to try to sleep again and after what seemed like forever but it was only about ten minutes, I finally fell asleep again.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now