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A few people headed back to Alexandria while the rest of us were either going to the Sanctuary or the Hilltop since the bridge was out. On the way there, the wagon got stuck in the mud and horses couldn't pull it through.

"We can swap out the horses, split up, take them out in the clear, give them a rest while we see what we can do about the trailers." Rick said. We were now holding the rope and got ready to pull. "One, two, three." Rick said, then we all started to pull.

"Rick." I said, when I saw walkers emerging from the woods.

"We're almost there." Ezekiel said.

"One more time." Rick said. "One, two, three." He said, then we pulled one last time and the wagon got through. "Good. Let's get out of here." He said. Rick and Ezekiel went to the canoe. "Daryl. Maddie." He said.

"We got it." I said, pulling my machete out. Me and Daryl then went to kill the walkers that was getting closer. They were loading the equipment up on the wagon.

A walker came up in front of the horse that was connected to the wagon and the horse was getting spooked. The horse went up on its hind legs and made something fall out of the wagon and break. Someone went and killed the walker.

"We have to leave the wagon." Rick said.

"No I have to free her." Ken said, running back to the horse to cut it free.

"Ken! Wait!" Rick shouted. Ken cut the horse free and got bit in the arm.

"Shit!" I shouted. Ken then got kicked in the chest by the horse. I widened my eyes at what just happened.

To be honest, I'm surprised Ken survived that but he most likely has broken ribs and I don't think he's going to make it, not from that kind of impact from the horses kick. Kens' arm was now cut off. Me and Daryl were killing the walkers, trying to keep them away from Ken and the others. Rick soon joined us with a few others to try to keep the walkers away.

We killed the walkers and we looked back and saw that Ken passed away. I didn't know him that well but I know he was a nice man. I felt the tears building up but I kept myself from letting them fall. I was beside Alden and he turned to the tears. He pulled me against him and rubbed my back but I was still looking at Ken.

We were soon at the Hilltop and Maggie went to tell his parents about what happened to him, which has to be a hard thing to do. It was nighttime and we were having a funeral for him. Alden was singing and the tears that I didn't let fall earlier, started to fall. His parents didn't want Maggie to be here because she let Ken come with us. I understand they miss their son but Maggie did everything she could to keep him alive. We each hap a cup of some kind of alcohol except for Kens' parents. Rick and the others went to the Sanctuary and I said I'll meet them at Alexandria in the morning because I wanted to attend Kens' funeral.

"I'm going to miss you, Ken. Heaven's a better place for having you. Cheers." Alden said. We took a sip of our drink and we all went to bed. Alden offered to sleep in the same room as me but I told him I'll be fine by myself.

Me and Alden are friends despite that he was with the Saviors. He's pretty nice guy and he looks out for everyone. Sometimes when he sees that I'm feeling down, he always comes and tries to cheer me up. He's a great guy to have around. I was in the room me and Rick slept in when we were here and we still do when we spend the night. I was about to lay down when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it to see Alden.

"Hi Alden, what are you doing here?" I asked, letting him inside. I closed the door and I went and sat on the bed.

"I just wanted to come say goodnight and if you have a bad dream you can always come to my room and sleep next to me if you need to." He said, smiling.

"Okay, thank you Alden. I'll come if I need to but no funny business." I said. I know he's not going to try anything but he knows I'm joking with him.

"I'm not going to try anything. I'm not going try to steal Rick's wife." He said, chuckling.

"I know. Goodnight Alden." I said, laughing.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams." He said, winking at me playfully then walked out. I chuckled before turning the light off and laid down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now