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I was woken up to screaming. I ran out and saw that it was dark out. The screaming was coming from the fields. We all ran towards it and saw Dale getting his stomach ripped open by a walker. Daryl jumped and landed on top the walker and stabbed it in the head.

"Oh my god Dale." I said, seeing Dale.

"Maybe we can save him." Daryl said.

"If we move him, he'll die." Hershel said. I was starting to cry and I heard Carl start crying. "There's only one thing we can do is ease his suffering." He said.

I felt someone pull me into their embrace and I saw that it was Shane. I was too sad to care about what he did to me. I cried into his chest with my arms wrapped around him. We were all broken seeing Dale like this. Dale doesn't deserve this. Rick went to put him out of his misery but Daryl stopped him.

"I'll do it Rick." Daryl said, grabbing Ricks gun. I was grabbing Shane's shirt into a fist and cried harder. Shane tightened his arms. "I'm sorry brother." Daryl said, before I heard a gunshot making me jump. I pulled my head away from Shane's chest and saw Dales body. I pulled away from Shane and went next to Daryl.

Daryl was tearing up slightly, trying not to cry. I wrapped my arms around him. Rick and Shane both buried Dale the best they could. I was walking beside Daryl, crying. I saw Carl sitting down with his arms around his legs and I walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"It's my fault that Dale died Maddie." He said, through tears.

"It's not your fault Carl, don't blame yourself." I said, putting my arm around him.

"Yes it is Maddie." He said, looking me in the eyes.

"How's it your fault Carl? You didn't foresee this happening to him." I said.

"I can't tell you around everyone but it is my fault." He said, going into the tent leaving me alone.

I stood up and walked to the fence and looked out the field. I sighed when someone walked up beside me. I turned to see Shane. We stood there in silence until Shane broke it.

"What's on your mind Maddie?" He asked.

"What do you think is on my mind?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, that was a stupid question." He said.

"Yes it was." I said, putting my head down and let the tears fall. I was then pulled into a hug by Shane and I quickly moved away from him.

"Maddie it's alright, I'm not going to hurt you." Shane said.

"Just please don't touch me." I said, moving away from him a bit more.

"Maddie, you accepted it when we were out there so why are you declining it now?" He asked.

"Because I was vulnerable out there Shane, we lost Dale and I lost a friend." I said.

"What the hell do you think you're doing around my sister?" Daryl asked, going in front of me.

"I was just trying to cheer her up." Shane answered.

"Not after what you did to her, she's still scared to be around you because of what you did." Daryl said. "You don't know what happened to her before the whole world went to shit and you added to it, so stay away from my sister." He said, pulling me away from him. We went to our tent and I sat down.

"Thank you Daryl." I mumbled. He sat down beside me and I felt him looking at me.

"Maddie, why did you accept his hug out there?" He asked.

"I was in a vulnerable state because of what happened to Dale." I said. "And I guess he took advantage of that." I said.

"I'll beat the shit out of him!" Daryl exclaimed, about to walk out before I stopped him.

"No. Daryl just let it go, please." I begged. He looked at me then sighed.

"Okay Maddie, lets just go to sleep and talk tomorrow." He said, laying down. I laid down next to him and cuddled up to him. "Night sis." He said.

"Night Daryl." I said, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now