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It's now been a month since we met the Saviors and Liam is now four months old and he's more hyper than before. Michonne found him some toys and ever since he's been trying to put them in his mouth. Rick and Aaron were out looking for more supplies for Negan when there was a knock on the gate and someone opened the gate. I thought that they came back but when I walked outside with Liam in my arms, I saw Negan and his men coming inside. Negan then started walking over with Carl beside him and I was confused why he was with him.

"Carl, why are you with him?" I asked. Negan laughed then answered for him.

"This boy hid in the back of one of my trucks and killed a few of my men." Negan said. I looked at Carl before speaking.

"Why did you do that Carl?" I asked, when I saw Olivia walking inside.

"I wanted to end this Maddie." He said.

"You could have gotten yourself killed." I said, when Liam started crying. I started bouncing him up and down to calm him.

"Where's Rick?" Negan asked.

"He's out scavenging for you." I told him.

"That's great." He said.

"He went out far and may not be back today." Olivia said. "We're really running low on everything. We're practically starving." She said.

"Starving? You? You mean by practically, you really mean not really." Negan said, probably trying to make a joke. I saw tears building up in Olivias eyes. He just made a joke about her weight and it wasn't a good one. Olivia started crying and covered her face while turning away from him. He turned and looked at me and Carl. "Really?" He said, walking towards me. "You people really don't have a sense of humor." He said, then turned back around. "Excuse me? What's your name again?" He asked her.

"Olivia." She said, still facing away from him.

"Right, Olivia." He said. He reached out and grabbed her arm and had her turn around to look at him. "I am sorry for having being so rude to you just now. But it looks like I'm going to be here for awhile waiting for your fearless leader to return. If you'd like I think it would be enjoyable to screw your brains out. I mean if you're agreeable to it." He said, before Olivia slapped him in the face.

To be honest, I wanted to do that too but I'm holding myself back. Negan looked back at her then shook his head in a weird way but I don't know if he's smiling or if he looks mad sense all I can see is the back of his head. He walked closer to her and I was getting more worried of what he's going to do.

"I am about fifty percent more into you now." He said, looking at her. "Just saying." He said, laughing when she started to cry bit more. "Alright we'll I'm just going to put my feet up and wait for my stuff to get here. Olivia would you be a lamb and make us lemonade. Now I know I left some of you that good powdered stuff." Negan said.

"I'm not supposed to be—" Olivia started to say until Negan stopped her.

"Make me it. Make it. Take your time. Make it good." He said.

"Olivia, just make it. Please." I said, so Negan doesn't get angry and do something. She looked at me then walked out of the house to go make the drink. Negan then turned and looked at me, smiling.

"Alright. Maddie (it was supposed to be Carl but I changed it to Maddie again), take me on the grand tour!" Negan said. I knew I better do what he says to keep him on his good side.

First, we were in mine and Rick's bedroom. He took his boots off and stood on the carpet floor, wiggling his toes on it with a smile. I didn't know someone can be that happy being barefoot on the carpet. We were now in the kitchen and he kept turning the water on and off at the sink. We went to another room and he saw a dart board and started playing darts. He got happy when he hit the middle of the board. When he looked at me with a smile, I smiled back faintly. Now we were at the door to room Judith was currently in. He opened the door and saw Judith in her crib, standing while holding the side.

"Oh my. Look at this little angel. You had two babies." He said, picking Judith up.

After giving him the grand tour, we were now sitting side-by-side on the swinging chair on the porch. He had Judith in his lap and I had Liam. Negan didn't have his jacket on.

"I can't believe you gave birth to two babies Maddie." Negan said.

"I didn't. I only gave birth to Liam." I said, looking at Liam putting his hand in his mouth. "Liam don't put your hand in your mouth." I said, getting his hand out of his mouth. He babbled at me.

"Then who's little girl is this?" He asked.

"A friend of mine. That's not here anymore." I said, remembering Lori.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." He said. "This little girl is precious. Hey neighbor don't you come by later you might grill out. I like it here. I might just have to stay here." Negan said. That's the last thing we want. It's already bad enough he's taking half our stuff. "I forgot to ask but how old are you Maddie?" He asked. I sighed knowing I have to tell him the truth instead of lying about my age.

"31 almost 32." I said.

"Really?! I thought you were much younger!" He shouted. After sitting out there a little longer, he motioned me to follow him inside and so I did. "Is it alright if I shave this beard off in your bathroom doll?" He asked.

"Go ahead." I said, which made him smile.

"Thanks doll." He said, walking away. A few minutes passed and I was in the kitchen. Liam was on the island standing on his feet with my help and he started bouncing up and down.

"Careful Liam. I don't want you to fall." I said, making him giggle. I heard someone coming downstairs and I looked to see Negan. Liam giggled at Negan when he was walking over.

"Hi there Liam. Find my face funny?" He asked, picking him up. Liam started touching his face and then tried to put his hands in Negans mouth.

"Liam. What did I say about putting your hands in yours and everyone else's mouth?" I said. Liam slowly pulled his hands away from Negan while looking at me then he giggled. Negan put him in the high chair and looked at me.

"I am going to make you all spaghetti." He said, grabbing spaghetti noodles and started cooking.

While he was making the sauce, it actually smelled pretty good. I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen watching while Liam was watching him very intently. Carl was rolling the dough out to make biscuits and he was glaring at Negan because, well, he hates him.

"Doesn't that smell good Maddie?" He asked, looking at me.

"It does." I replied. He tasted it then came over and stuck the spoon in front of my mouth to taste. I tasted it and it was pretty good. "It tastes great. Better than I can do." I said. Negan laughed at that and walked back to the stove and checked on the noodles.

Liam started to laugh and started slapping his hands down on the highchair table. Negan soon finished making the spaghetti and me and Carl was setting the table. I walked back in the kitchen and brought the ball with the spaghetti and started serving it on six plates and sat down after giving us all except for Judith and Liam, biscuits. I was seated next to Liam.

I felt Negan looking at me but I didn't look back at him. I looked at Liam and saw him grabbing the spaghetti with his hands and stuffed it in his mouth, getting the sauce all over his face.

"Liam. Oh my god." I said, chuckling. Liam giggled then stuffed more in his mouth. Olivia came over with the pitcher of lemonade and holding a tired Judith. She started pouring the lemonade and even though I don't like lemons that much I still wanted some. "Thank you Olivia." I thanked her with a smile. She smiled back at me then put the pitcher down and walked away.

I suddenly had to use the restroom after drinking some lemonade.

"I'll be right back." I said, standing up. I walked to mine and Rick's bathroom and shut the door and did my business. A few minutes later, I returned to the table.

"Welcome back doll!" Negan shouted, when I sat down. We all began to eat after Negan put Lucille on a chair next to him.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now