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We were at the camp close to the bridge since we are rebuilding it. I was at the bridge helping to rebuild it and Henry came over with the water. I got a little bit in the cup and drank it.

"Thanks Henry." I said, smiling. He then went to Justin to give him some water. I was nailing a board down when I heard someone fall. I turned and saw Henry on the ground and Justin holding the water dispenser. Henry stood up and swiped his stick against his leg and he fell, dropping the dispenser. Henry picked it back up and walked away. Someone else started laughing and started talking to him. Justin was going towards Henry and Daryl ran over and stopped him.

"The kid's just doing his job." Daryl said. "Get back to work." He added. Everyone was watching the scene happen and I feel like a fight is about to break out.

"I'm tired of you people telling me what to do." Justin said. "You're not my babysitter anymore." He said, starting to walk away until Daryl grabbed him then punched him. Justin fell and threw sand into Daryls eyes, blinding him. He then tackled Daryl to the ground. They both started fighting and Rick ran over.

"Break it up! Break it up!" Rick said, pulling Justin away and I held onto Daryl keeping him back. "Enough!" He shouted. Daryl spit blood out and walked away from us. Rick, Daryl, and Carol were talking about the Saviors. I was still at the bridge finishing nailing the boards.

I was now at the lumber sight with Daryl, Aaron and others. I was helping someone put a log on top of the others and Aaron came and helped. I heard the horses start getting scared and I heard walkers. I can't take my attention off the log because it was half way up.

"The herds coming! Bug out now!" Daryl shouted. We all looked and saw the herd.

"We've got to get out of here now." One of the men said, letting go of the rope and jumped off. The log started to fall and Aaron pushed me away from it and it fell onto his arm.

"Aaron!" I shouted. His arm was pinned under the log. I was trying to get the log off of him with another man helping me. Daryl ran over and started helping us. The walkers were getting closer and Daryl ran and killed the walkers and we began pushing the log again and this time, it rolled off of his arm. "Oh my god!" I shouted. His arm was crushed and I can already tell it was too far gone to repair.

"Come on!" Daryl shouted. Daryl put Aaron's other arm around his shoulder and started helping him. He was grabbed by a walker and it was soon killed. We looked ahead and saw the others running and started killing the walkers to help us get out of there.

"Go! We got it from here!" Rick shouted. I stayed and helped them fight the walkers while Daryl and the others that was here took Aaron back. I killed a walker then I was grabbed by a walker and I was about to get bit until he got killed. I saw Alden and smiled at him before killing more walkers.

I saw Rick pull his rifle out and shot at the rope but missed. He then took a deep breath then shot again but this time hitting the rope and the logs rolled down and knocked the walkers down and killing them. We soon went back and Carol instantly went to Justin's tent. I was heading to the med tent when Daryl came out, looking angry and heading to Justin's tent. I walked in and saw Enid next to Aaron, who was missing half of his arm.

I think heard something breaking outside and I ran out of the tent and saw Daryl hitting Justin. Carol came out and stopped him.

"That's enough Daryl!" Carol said. He continued hitting him and I made my way over to him.

"Daryl! Stop!" I said, grabbing his arm that was going to hit him again. Daryl stopped and looked to see Henry standing in front of him. "We'll deal with it." I said.

"There's only one thing to do with this asshole." Daryl said, walking away.

It was now dark out and I was sitting next to Alden when we saw Rick walk by. We also saw Justin walking towards Rick then spoke.

"You need to keep your dog on its leash." Justin said.

"Excuse me?" Rick said, turning to look at him.

"You heard me. That bitch of yours almost killed me over nothing." Justin said. Fucking bastard. Rick then walked closer to him.

"I know you. I used to be a cop and every Saturday night, I'd pick up some dipshit like you and I have to listen to him run his mouth in the back of my car, every one of them trying to blame someone else for their own damn problems." Rick said.

"I don't have to listen to this." Justin said.

"Wrong. You're going to stand there and listen to every word." Rick said. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt. That is done. Now pack your shit and get out of here first thing in the morning. If I see your face again, stitches won't fix what I do to you." He said.

"I won't stay even if you begged me to." Justin said. "I'm not waiting until morning either." He added. I know now is not the time to think about this but damn Rick looked hot. I stood up after saying goodnight to Alden and I ran up next to Rick.

"You want to know something Rick?" I asked.

"What is it?" He asked, when he stopped walking and looked at me. I went on my tiptoes, since he is taller than I am, and put my mouth next to his ear.

"You looked hot just now." I whispered into his ear. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against.

"Is that right?" He asked, smirking.

"Yeah." I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck. He didn't respond, just pulled away and pulled me away from the camp but not too far, just far enough so no one can hear what's going to happen.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now