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We were driving again and I felt myself getting tired. I reached in a bag I had at my feet and pulled out some alcohol, a needle and a thread.

"What are doing Maddie?" Rick asked.

"Stitching up my leg. Don't worry, I know it's going to hurt but I have to do it." I said.

"Let me do it for you Maddie. I'll be able to see more." He said, pulling over. I nodded my head and he got out and came to my side. I had my leg sticking outside and he had the stuff he needed in his hand. "Are you ready?" He asked. Since I had something in my mouth to muffle my screams so I just nodded my head. I grabbed onto the seat and got ready to squeeze. He cut the pants leg open until he got close to my pelvis.

He then stuck the needle into my skin and I tightened my grip on the seat but it didn't hurt enough to make me make a sound. He did it again and that time I screamed into the fabric in my mouth. After a little while, he finished stitching my leg. He then picked up the alcohol and started sanitizing the wound to keep the infections away. It stung like hell. I'm surprised I didn't faint from the pain but I had to keep my eyes open the whole time.

"All done." He said. I took the fabric out of my mouth. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"I've been better." I said, blinking tears away. "But it did hurt like hell though." I said, chuckling. He chuckled along and he wrapped my leg with a bandage. He grabbed the walkie and the letter. "What are you doing Rick?" I asked.

"I'm going to read the letter." He told me.

"Okay, I'll be okay here by myself. I may have an injured leg but I can still fight." I said.

"I'll be back in a little bit." He said, shutting the door and walked away.

Rick's POV:

I sat down down and read the letter that Carl wrote for Negan then put my hand on my face and sighed. I stood up and brought the walkie to my mouth.

"Give me Negan." I said.

"Who the hell is asking?" Negan asked.

"It's Rick Grimes." I replied.

"Look at you calling me up Ricky. Do you want to tell me where you are so we can do this face to face?" He said.

"Carl's dead. He wrote letters. He wrote one to you, asking you to stop. He asked me to stop. He asked us for peace but it's too late for that. Even if we wanted a deal now, it won't matter." I said. "I'm going to kill you." I added.

"How did it happen?" He asked.

"What?" I asked him.

"How did he die? Was it us? Was it the grenades? The fire?" He asked.

"It wasn't you. He went out to help someone and he got bit." I said.

"Goddamn it. Shit, I'm sorry...you know I wanted to be a part of things, I had plans...that kid was the future." He said.

"The only future is when you're dead." I said.

Maddie's POV:

I was looking out the window and I saw a walker walk out of the woods. I opened the door and pulled out my knife and got out. I limped towards it and stabbed it in the head. I went back to the car and got back in, closing the door. A couple tears fell onto my legs remembering Carl from the first time I met him. He was a sweet, energetic little boy and I treated him like my own. He reminded me of when I was his age. I was just as energetic as he was. We were inseparable. I didn't notice myself crying until I heard the car door open and Rick getting inside. I quickly wiped away the tears but Rick saw through it.

"Are you okay Maddie?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just remembering things from a long time ago." I said. We started heading to the Hilltop which could take a little while.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now