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I was outside sitting in the swing chair while holding Liam. I heard someone walking up the steps. I saw that it was Ron.

"Morning Ron." I said. "Are you here to see Carl?" I asked. When I said Carl's name, he made a disgusted look.

"No I don't want to see him. I just wanted to come see the baby." He said, walking over. "What's his name?" He asked, slightly tickling Liam.

"Liam." I told him. He smiled and pulled away from the baby.

"I'm going to go now but don't tell Carl that I was here." He said, walking away.

"Okay." I said, confused.

Ron has been acting differently towards Carl. They used to be friends but now it's like they're enemies. I shook it off as just teenage hormones. Carl then came outside and looked at me.

"Can I take Liam with me to walk around?" He asked.

"Yeah just bring him back when he gets hungry." I said, handing Liam to him.

"I will." He said. "Ready to see the neighborhood Liam?" He asked, smiling at him while walking away.

I decided to walk around as well and started walking. I walked to Aaron's house and knocked on the door. A few minutes later, the door opened revealing Aaron.

"Hey Maddie, come on in." He said, letting me inside. "What brings you here?" He asked.

"I got bored so I figured I'll come hang out with you since Rick is a bit busy and I was alone at the house." I said.

"What about Judith?" He asked.

"She's with Carol and Liam is with Carl because he wanted to show him around." I replied.

"You can always hang out with me. Anytime you want." He said, smiling.

"You're such a great friend Aaron. If I wasn't married and if you wouldn't gay, I would marry you." I said, which made him chuckle.

"Who wouldn't want to marry me?" He said, chuckling.

"You are handsome Aaron. Eric is lucky to have you." I said. He smiled and blushed hearing that. "Look at that. I made you blush." I said, chuckling.

We walked into the living room and sat down and started talking more and learning more about each other.

Rick's POV:

I was walking back to the house and walked inside but didn't find Maddie anywhere. I grew worried and went looking for her.

"Maddie! Maddie!" I shouted. A door to a house opened and someone ran out.

"Rick, are you okay?! Why are you yelling?!" Maddie asked.

"I couldn't find you." I told her.

"I was with Aaron talking." She told me. I sighed in relief that she's okay.

"Sorry for freaking out." I apologized.

"It's alright, I get it. We all do." Aaron said. "I'm going to go check on our supplies. I'll see you both later." He said, walking away.

"Let's get you home Rick." Maddie said. We both started walking home.

Maddie's POV:

A few hours later, I was outside holding Liam, when I saw someone getting killed by someone with a machete.

I quickly hid and prayed Liam wouldn't start crying. I pulled my knife out and started making my way to a house. I looked closer and saw one of the people had a 'W' on his forehead. I saw Jesse's house a couple blocks away and soon I got inside and I blocked the door the best I can while holding Liam. I turned and saw Jesse and Sam.

"Sam, take Liam and hide in here." I said, opening the door under the staircase.

"What about you and my mom?" He asked.

"Don't worry, okay. Just hide and keep quiet and keep Liam quiet. Just bounce him up and down if he wakes up. He usually falls asleep that way and he has his pacifier around his neck. Once he falls asleep, put that in his mouth." I quietly said. He nodded his head and went into the little room and I placed Liam in his lap. "Don't let him fall." I said, before closing the door and had Jesse help me push something in front of the door to hide it.

Me and Jesse walked into the kitchen and I grabbed a knife and handed it to her. The door in the kitchen opened and we hid behind the kitchen island and stayed quiet. I looked around and saw the person starting to walk out of the kitchen and started walking to the stairs. I started to quietly make my way behind him then stabbed him in the head.

The front door then busted open and the man saw me and threw a hatchet me but I ducked down and it went into the wall. I had a secret gun in the back of my pants and shot him in the head. I went back to Jesse and saw a man getting ready to stab her. I shot him and killed him then went to her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, quietly. She nodded her head. "Go and join Sam, I can tell you want to. Don't worry I'll be okay." I said.

We went and pushed the the cabinet and Jesse got inside with Sam and Liam. I didn't block the door again since it is too heavy to push by myself.

I quietly walked back to the kitchen and was soon grabbed from behind. I slammed my head against their head and turned and grabbed them and slammed them against the counter.

They made me turn and slammed me against counter causing my head to hit the cabinet, making me drop my gun and it slid away from me. I faked being knocked out to trick them. When they turned their back to me, I silently got up and grabbed the scissors and snuck over to her.

As soon as she turned around, I stabbed her in the chest and she fell with me on top of her. I continued stabbing then finally stabbed her in the head. I stood up then turned and saw Ron standing there.

"Ron, you need to hide." I said.

He didn't move from the spot he was in. I grabbed my gun and when I stood up, I saw a man behind him that looked like the people that's killing everyone here.

"Duck!" I shouted.

He did as I said and I shot the man behind him. He looked at the man and moved away from him.

"Where's my mom and my brother?" He asked.

"Over here." I said, walking to the room they were in.

After awhile, all the invaders were dead. I walked outside with Jesse holding Liam, Sam, and Ron. I saw Aaron walking this way.

"Aaron." I said, grabbing his attention.

"You're alright Maddie." He said, running over and hugged me.

"I'm glad you're alright. Where is everyone?" I replied.

"They're either inside or dead." He said. We started looking for everyone.

"I'm going to check my house to see if anyone is in there." I said. He nodded his head and I walked inside. I saw Carl and Enid sitting back to back with each other. "Thank god you're both okay. Where's Judith?" I asked.

"She's upstairs. How's everyone else?" He asked.

"Jesse, Sam, Liam, and Ron are okay, so is Aaron. But I don't know about anyone else because I haven't checked yet." I responded. "Both of you stay here with Judith, I'll be back." I said, leaving the house.

After finding everyone else that was alive was safe, I went back to the house carrying Liam. I walked inside and Carl smiled, seeing Liam is alright.

"I'll be right back I'm going to check on Holly because she's been injured." I said, walking out after handing Carl a sleeping Liam.

I walked into the house that was made as a hospital. I saw Denise doing CPR on Holly and heard the flatline noise coming from the machine. Tara looked up at me with a sad look.

"Denise you tried your best." Tara said.

"She's right. I know I wasn't here but I know how hard you work, and we all know you tried to keep her alive." I said, walking to her.

"Just please go, all of you." Denise said. We all walked out except for Denise. I sat down on the step and Eric did as well.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now