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I'm now three months pregnant and my belly isn't that big but I am showing. Luckily, when Glenn and Maggie went on a run they brought back some pre-natal medicine for me to take since Hershel says I should take them. I was walking around the prison until I was pulled behind a wall.

"What the hell?" I said, until I saw who it was. It was Rick. "You scared me Rick." I said.

"Sorry." He said, looking down at me. He put his hand on my belly and rubbed gently. "I love you Maddie and I love the baby inside your belly." He said.

"Is that why you pulled me behind the wall?" I asked.

"Also to do this." He said, before attaching his lips with mine. I kissed him back and after a few minutes we pulled out of the kiss since we were running out of breath.

"I should've known." I said, chuckling. We walked into the prison and saw Lizzie and Mika talking. Rick walked off past them, smiling faintly at them. I walked to them and sat down. "What are you two talking about?" I asked, curious.

"About the walkers." Lizzie said.

"What about them?" I asked.

"I don't see them as monsters, they're just like us." Lizzie said.

"Lizzie, they're not like us. They're dead." I said, not believing this girl thinks of them as humans. "Before they were humans but now they're things that will kill you if they catch you. Don't treat the walkers as humans because they don't have feelings." I added.

"You just don't see it Maddie." She said, walking away. I can already tell this girl is gonna cause trouble but I'm not going to say anything since I don't know if I'm right.

"Hey Maddie." I heard Carl say beside me.

"Hi Carl." I said, smiling.

"One of the pigs is just laying in the mud, not doing anything not even moving around like the others are." He told me.

"Okay. I'll go take a look." I said, standing up. Me and Carl walked to the pig pen and stopped at the fence. He pointed to the one that he thinks something wrong with. "She might be sick but I can't tell." I said.

"I hope she's not." He said.

"Everything gets sick, she might recover soon but I'll keep an eye on her." I told him. "But also remember, don't get attached to them because we will have to kill them to get food." I said.

"I know but sometimes it's hard not to." He said.

"I know." I said. "Did I tell you that I had a dog?" I asked.

"No, you didn't." He said.

"I had a dog named Spot because he had a black spot on one of his back legs and he was my best friend. But one day he got sick and I didn't have the money to take him to the vet because me and Daryl was living off a part-time salary. The next day, I woke up to my dog in my bed like always but he wasn't breathing and I shook him to see if he'll wake up but he didn't and that's when I knew he passed away." I said. "I cried for days and Daryl never left my side and he told me that he was in a safer place and that he wasn't suffering anymore. But I soon moved on obviously not forgetting him but after what Daryl told me, I was happy he wasn't suffering anymore but I was still sad about his death, hell I still am." I said.

"Are you saying that Violet might pass away?" He asked. I didn't know he named her.

"Yes, it's a possibility she will because she is sick." I said. "And remember Rick said not to name them but that is a good name." I said.

"If she does pass away, at least she wouldn't be suffering anymore." He said, walking back to the prison. I soon followed him back and I saw Daryl standing at the fence watching me. I sat down on the ground and looked out at the woods. I heard someone walking to me and I saw that it was Daryl.

"Were you crying Maddie?" He asked.

"A little bit. I was just telling Carl about Spot and what happened to him." I said. "I told him after seeing one of the pigs in the pen. I think one of the pigs is sick because she's laying down and Carl said she hasn't moved around but she is still breathing." I said. "But I'm afraid that something will happen." I added.

"She could be sick because I've noticed she hasn't moved from that one spot." He said, putting his arm around me. I wrapped my arms around him and softly cried. I was soon in the cell I share with Rick just laying in the bed, relaxing when someone walked in. It was Patrick.

"Hi Patrick." I said. He smiled before leaning against the cell door.

"Hi Maddie. Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine just a bit tired is all. I guess from being pregnant." I said.

"Rick wanted me to find you because he was worried. But I'll tell him that you're in here." He said.

"Okay, thank you Patrick." I said, before he walked away. I soon felt my eyes shutting and I fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now