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Carl was losing color in his skin and he was getting closer to dying. I looked and saw Daryl looking over here and I know he can see the tears in my eyes. He was holding Judith and Liam close to him.

"I-I don't..." Rick began to say.

"Dad." Carl said.

"How..." Rick asked.

"Dad...it's alright. It's got to be. I wasn't sure if you would make it back before...but just in case, you know, I wanted to make sure I was able to say goodbye. I gave Maddie hers already." Carl said.

"No. It's them. It's them." Rick said. "They won't...it wasn't..." Rick said. More tears were beginning to fall from my eyes.

"Carl." Michonne said.

"No." Rick said. "No." He said.

"I got bit. I was bringing someone back, his name's Siddiq. We saw him at that gas station before, it wasn't the Saviors. It just happened. I got bit." Carl said.

"Carl..." I said, before crying. Rick then put him on the bed Carl gave Siddiq.

"Is that better?" Michonne asked.

"Yeah." Carl said.

"I um...got these. They're over the counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. They'll help a little with the fever. It did for my mom and dad. Please take them." Siddiq said. His voice was starting to break. "Your son should have them." He said.

"You're a doctor?" Rick asked.

"I was a resident...before. Yeah." Siddiq answered.

"Your name's Siddiq?" Rick asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Did you know he was a doctor?" Rick asked Carl. "Is that why you brought him back?" He asked.

"He wasn't going to make it alone. He needed us." Carl said. "That's why." He said.

"He was the one at the gas station." Rick said. An explosion went off a bit too close for comfort and little bits of concrete fell. Rick covered Carl while Siddiq covered me. Carl then started coughing.

"Give him some water." Michonne said. Rick started giving him some water and told him to drink it slowly. Daryl walked closer while still holding Liam and Judith. Michonne then stood up and walked away. "Make it stop!" She shouted. "Make them stop." She said, holding Dwight against the wall.

"I can't." Dwight said.

"You can." Michonne said. "You're one of them. They'll listen to you. Please." She begged.

"You said that Hilltop's safe?" Rosita asked.

"Yeah." Dwight answered.

"We need to get everybody there. We can get Carl there." Rosita said.

"They think all of you got away in the woods. They're out there looking." Dwight said.

"They saw us go west and so we won't go west." Tara said.

"Your best chance is to stay here until they're gone." Dwight said.

"No." Daryl said. "They find us here, we're dead." He added.

"They're almost done. They got to be. It wasn't about destroying the place, they don't have the ammo for that. After they let up, after they're gone, that's when we go." Dwight said.

"Okay." Rosita said. "We wait." She said. I tuned the rest of the conversation when I felt pain shoot through my leg which made me scream a tiny bit. Rick was now holding Judith and Liam while Daryl was trying to stop the bleeding on my leg.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now