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(Warning 🔞: There's smut in this chapter. It starts and ends with these ~~~~~~~)

It was still dark out and I was leaning against a tree beside a tent and watched everyone at the campfire, talking and laughing with each other. I smiled at the sight of everyone happy and having fun.

"What are you doing Maddie?" I heard Risk from beside me.

"Just watching everyone talk like there no walkers around." I said. "It's not everyday they get to talk and have fun like this." I added.

"Yeah. I'm glad they're having fun even if it's just talking around a campfire." He said. I turned my head and saw him wearing a brown jacket. He looked handsome in it, well, he looks handsome in anything.

"Carol and Ezekiel looks cute together. I see them getting married in the future." I said, looking at Carol and Ezekiel.

"I see it too. Carol deserves it for everything she's done." He said, wrapping his arm around me from the behind. I put my head against his shoulder and put my hands on his.

"Yeah, she deserves to be happy and have someone special in her life. Like you're my special someone in my life." I said, smiling.

"We're going back to Alexandria in the morning while they continue working on the bridge." He told me. "We'll visit Carl's grave together." He added.

"Okay, let's go to bed then so we can get enough sleep." I said, pulling away from him and grabbed hand then went in our tent. A few minutes later, we fell asleep.

It was the next morning and me and Rick were getting ready to head to Alexandria. We said bye to everyone and left.

We finally made it to Alexandria and went through the gates. We got off the horse and someone came to take the horse to where they're kept here. We walked to Carl's grave after Rick picked a tomato. He crouched down and put it on his grave. I had my head down the whole time with my hands interlocked with each other. We stayed there for a little while before walking to our home. We checked on Judith and Liam but saw they were still sleeping. We walked into the room and kissed them on their cheeks then walked out with Rick closing the door slowly to be quiet.

We walked to our room and took our boots and socks off. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and I straddled him and put my arms on his shoulders while his was around my waist. I smiled at him which made him smile back at me.

"Judith and Liam needs a check up to make sure they're not getting sick since there is something going around." I said.

"We're going to have to promise them a family fun day just to get them in there." He said.

"They are little so they are scared of the doctor. I know I was when I was their age." I said, chuckling. He chuckled along with me before speaking.

"What do you think of having another baby?" He asked, catching me off guard.

"Do you want another baby?" I asked.

"Yes I do." He said. I smiled and thought about it for a little bit.

"I want another one too. We'll have to get working on it then." I said. "And I love the trying part." I added.

"I do too. When do you want to start trying?" He asked.

"How does now sound? Since the kids are still asleep." I said.

"Now is fine by me." He said. I made him lay on his back with me still against him and placed my lips on his. I placed my hands on the side of his head while his hands were on the back of my hips, pulling them closer to his.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now