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I walked out of the tent and saw Shane walking to the barn where they were keeping the boy, which I found out his name is Randall.

"Maddie!" I heard my name being shouted. I turned and saw Lori.

"Hi Lori." I said, smiling.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm pregnant." She announced.

"Congratulations Lori." I said, smiling.

"Thanks but I tried to take abortion pills." She admitted.

"Why?" I asked, curious. "Why would you want to take those for?" I asked.

"I can't bring this child into this world but I threw it back up." She said.

"Did you tell Rick about it?" I asked.

"He found out about it because he found the test." She said. "And the bottle." She added.

She then walked away from me, leaving me by myself. I sighed before walking to the fence to look out at the field like I do everyday. The sight always seems to soothe me but after last night, it doesn't anymore. It just reminds me of what happened.

Later, I was just helping Hershel with what he needed when we heard Shane yelling. I turned and saw him coming out of the woods with a bloody nose.

"What happened Shane? Why is your nose bleeding?" I asked, actually worried.

"The damn boy busted my nose and ran off." He answered.

For some reason, I don't believe him. Shane is bigger and stronger than Randall, so how did Randall bust his nose? I have a feeling he's lying about what happened. He was against having him here and said that we should kill him so he doesn't tell his group where we are. I'm pretty sure Shane killed him.

"Shit." Rick said, putting his weight on his right leg and put his hands on his hips.

"I told you we should've killed him before but you didn't." Shane said, walking past us.

I walked into the woods when they weren't looking. I kept going until I saw a body on the ground. I went closer and saw that it was Randall.

If he busted Shane's nose, there would be marks or blood on Randall. I examined but didn't find any blood or any discoloring on his knuckles or blood on his head but I noticed his neck was broken. Shane said he escaped but it doesn't look like he did. I turned and saw a tree that had blood on it and it looked fresh. Randall couldn't have slammed Shane's nose into the tree because Shane is too strong and he would've fought back. It was clear that Shane broke his own nose by slamming his head on the tree and came back acting like Randall did.

When I saw the back of Shane's head, there was a scratch mark. It looked like someone pulled some hair out and that made him shave his head. It seems like Shane is slowly going crazy and that's not good. He could get the group killed. He seems to hate Rick but doesn't show it. I figured it out because I'm good at reading people. I walked back to the farm after killing a few walkers that was coming towards me.

"Maddie, where have you been?!" Daryl asked, running to me.

"I just went for a walk Daryl." I replied, still thinking about what I found.

"Why were you in the woods by yourself?! That was stupid!" He shouted.

"Daryl I'm fine! I know what I'm doing!" I shouted back, walking away from him and bumped into Rick. "Sorry Rick." I apologized.

"It's alright Maddie." He assured. "What's wrong?" He asked, worried.

"Nothing." I answered. "I just wasn't watching where I was going." I added.

"Okay." He replied, walking away. I sat on the porch step and just got lost in my thoughts.

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