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"There's enough food to last you both for a week." Glenn said.

"Thanks bro." Axel said. I was watching them talk but not in the stalker sort of way. I feel bad that they have to go out there but they didn't want to stay in their cell block because of their dead friends. Axel looked this way and made his way to me. "Hello missy." He said, smiling.

"Hello. Axel, right?" I said. He nodded his head with a smile. "Since I know your name it's only fair if I tell you mine." I said. "I'm Maddie." I told him.

"That's a beautiful name." He said. "Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Yeah you can." I replied.

"Why was Daryl protective of you? Because I noticed when Tomas looked at you, Daryl looked like he wanted to kill him." He said.

"It's because I'm his little sister." I answered.

"That makes since, he has to protect his sister especially a pretty one." He said. I was about to respond when Daryl came up.

"What are you doing alone with her?" He asked, getting defensive.

"Daryl, it's fine." I said. "We were just talking, he wasn't trying to hurt me and I won't let him get that far if he was and you know that." I said.

"Fine but if you dare lay a finger on her, I won't hesitate to kill you." Daryl said, before walking away.

"Sorry about that." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it Maddie I understand why he's protecting you, I would too." He said. "I better get back, bye Maddie." He said, waving at me.

"Bye Axel." I said, waving back.

I saw Rick looking at me before turning back around. He looked mad a little but I shook it off as him being serious. I went inside and went to my cell. I grabbed my bag and pulled out a picture of me and Daryl, with each of us holding up the deer heads that we killed. I smiled before my thoughts were interrupted.

"You okay Maddie?" Beth asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine Beth just looking at a picture from before the world ended." I said, sitting on my bed. She sat down beside me and looked at the picture.

"You and Daryl looks happy in that." She said.

"Me and Daryl always went hunting together and we always spent time together even if it was only us in the same room. He's always been there for me, more than our brother did." I told her.

"You have another brother? What's his name?" She asked.

"Yeah his name is Merle but we can't find him, if he's even alive." I said. I knew I'll miss him but not this much.

"I'm sorry but if he's anything like you and Daryl, he's probably still alive." She said, rubbing my back.

"He's nothing like me and Daryl, he usually got in trouble. Me and Merle was never that close and nowhere near as close as I am with Daryl." I said.

"Really?" She asked, surprised.

"Yeah." I replied. "But Daryl knows something that Merle doesn't mainly because I didn't want Merle to know." I added.

"If you don't mind me asking, what doesn't he know?" She asked. I was debating on if I should tell her or not. So far, only Daryl and Rick knows about what happened before the world turned ugly, well more ugly than it was before. "Of course you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable." She said.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you, it's already hard to forget when my brain doesn't let me." I said.

"It's alright Maddie, I understand." She assured, smiling.

"Thanks for understanding Beth." I thanked her. She smiled before leaving. I then laid down and without realizing I fell asleep.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now