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We killed the walkers and we're fixing the fence but we needed to go on a run for more supplies. Me and Rick volunteered to go and we got in the truck then left. The drive was quiet until I broke it.

"Rick, you want to hear a funny story of when I was little?" I asked.

"Yeah I do." He replied. I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Well when I was first learning how to walk I had this baby walker that Daryl found for me. I was running around outside in it and I saw a dog run by. Of course Daryl was watching me since I was little and I could get into everything. Guess what I did?" I said.

"What did you do?" He asked, curious.

"I chased after it in my walker and all Daryl could hear was me giggling while I was chasing it. He then got me and told me to not chase after the poor dog because I was going to grab it's tail and let it drag me everywhere trying to get me to let go." I told him. He looked at me and looked back at the road then laughed.

 He looked at me and looked back at the road then laughed

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I was laughing along with him at the memory.

"I see you were a silly little girl." He said, between laughs.

"I was and Daryl told me that if I was going to go chasing after a dog in my walker I shouldn't be giggling because it gave me away and my giggles made the dog run faster." I said. "I didn't blame that dog for running away from me because my giggles made me sound crazy." I added, laughing more.

"We were all silly when we little kids." He said, calming down. "I heard Beth say that it passed your birthday. How old are you now?" He asked.

"I'm 30." I answered, making him surprised. "Why are so surprised for?" I asked, confused.

"You don't look 30." He said.

"That's exactly what Beth said." I said.

"Well, it's true." He said, stopping the truck and looked at me.

"Why did you stop Rick?" I asked, confused.

He didn't say anything but I felt him getting closer. He put his hand on my cheek and made me look at him. He placed his lips onto mine and kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hand made its way down my side and rested on my hip. He then pulled away and put his forehead against mine.

"I love you Maddie." He said.

"I love you too Rick." I replied, smiling.

We began moving again and we came up to a store and he turned the truck off. We got out and we each grabbed a bag to put stuff in. We walked inside, our knives ready to use if we encounter any walkers. I walked to the medicine aisle and saw a few bottles still on the shelf and put them in the bag.

I searched the other shelves and put the stuff that looked like something we could use in the bag. When I rounded an aisle, I was pushed onto my back from a walker grabbing onto me. I dropped my knife and it slid out of my reach. "Rick!" I shouted, while reaching for my knife while holding the walker away.

"Maddie!" Rick exclaimed, pulling the walker off me and killed it. I quickly grabbed my knife and stood up.

"Thanks." I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied, bending down and tried to calm myself down.

Once I was calmed down, we began looking through the aisles again. I walked to an aisle that had feminine hygiene products, pregnancy tests and products for men. I decided to just put them in the bag just in case someone needed them. We soon searched the whole store and walked out. We walked back to the truck and put the bags in the backseat and got in.

We kept going until we saw a hardware store. Rick pulled into the parking lot and back up to the entrance and turned the truck off.

"We could see if the store still has things we can use to rebuild the breach in the prison and rebuild the fence." Rick said.

I nodded my head and we went inside. We walked around the store together and came up to an aisle that had tools and other things we could use. I'm surprised that they're still here and no one took them. We loaded the things in the truck and started heading back to the prison.

We pulled in and stopped near the prison. We got out and everyone came to see what we got.

"Where did you find all these materials?" Glenn asked.

"We found a hardware store that wasn't empty, so we took all we could fit on the truck." I said. I saw Daryl looking over at us with Merle doing the same thing.

"I think you hit the jackpot with the materials." Maggie said.

"There's still more at that store and we could go back and get the rest when all this is off the truck." I said.

"Sounds like a plan." Glenn said.

They started to unload the stuff while me and Rick brought the bags into the prison.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now