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We've been here for a month and I was getting along with the people here, well, as long as they didn't try anything. My belly is starting to look like a watermelon. I walked out of the house and walked to Jesse's house. I was about to walk past the garage when I saw her doing something in there.

"Hi Jesse." I said, smiling.

"Hi Maddie, how are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm great, how about you?" I replied.

"I'm good." She said.

"So what is this?" I asked her.

"Oh it's a sculpture that me and my boys are working on together." She said, walking next to me.

"What is it supposed to be?" I asked, trying to figure it out.

"It's supposed to be an owl but just without the eyes." She said. "Your husband kinda broke a few pieces off when he freaked out because he couldn't find Carl." She told me. "But I assured him that it's understandable but he was just with Natalie and Bob Miller and they were pinching Judith's cheeks." She added.

"The last time I got my cheeks pinched was when I think I was about three years old. It was this old couple but they pinched way too hard." I told her, laughing.

She laughed along with me and we started talking longer. It was a few hours later and I saw Aaron. I walked over to him and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Maddie." He said, smiling.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. How about you? And how's your pregnancy going?" He asked.

"I'm alright and it's making it harder for me to stand up without someone helping me. How's Eric? I saw him walking around a few minutes ago." I replied.

"He's doing good. He says that he still feels like he owes you for his ankle." He said.

"I only did what I could think of to do." I said.

"So, where were you heading to?" He asked.

"Maybe head back to the house but that may take me awhile because I'm more like wobbling instead of walking." I said, chuckling.

"I'll walk with you Maddie." He offered.

"Thank you Aaron. Eric is lucky to have you." I said, when we started walking.

"And Rick is lucky to have you. You're a sweet woman Maddie." He said.

"Well, I treat people nicely if they treat me nicely but if they're mean to me then I'm mean back. Even though I'm more of a nice person." I said.

"I never asked you this but what did you do before all this? I know a lot of people probably asked you that but I'm curious." He said.

"I was a part-time grocery store worker in Georgia but when I wasn't working, I was hunting with Daryl." I said.

"You came all the way from Georgia? That's far from Virginia." He said. "Well, not too far but there's a whole lot of distance between the two." He said.

"Yeah I did. I always said I wanted to travel and now I have." I said, chuckling.

"Indeed you did." He said, when we got to the house. "Do you need help up the stairs?" He asked.

"Yes please." I said. He had his arm around my waist and helped me up the stairs. "Thank you Aaron." I thanked him.

He then walked away and I went inside and laid down on the couch and fell asleep without realizing.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now