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We were sitting on the ground when we heard a noise coming from the woods. We were about to pull our knives out until we saw it was Daryl.

"So all we found was booze?" Tara asked.

"Yeah." Rosita answered.

"It's not gonna help." Tara said.

"He knows that." Rosita said.

"It's gonna make it worse." Tara responded.

"Yes, it is." Rosita replied.

"He's a grown man." Eugene said. "And I truly don't know if things can get any worse than they are now." He added.

"They can." Rosita said.

Daryl came back with a few squirrels (A/N: They weren't squirrels but in this story, they were) and we made a fire and cooked them then ate them. We started to walk again after we finished eating.

While we were walking, when Judith started making a little noise and looked at me from Rick's arms.

"I think she's hungry again." I told him.

He handed her to me and I pulled the other side of my shirt down and he covered me up with his jacket again while she ate. Glenn walked up beside me with a water bottle.

"Here drink some Maddie." He said, handing me the bottle.

"You're going to have to help me because Judith is under this jacket getting something to eat so I can't grab the bottle." I said, looking at Judith.

"Oh okay." He said, opening the bottle and put it to my mouth and tilted it so some water gets in my mouth.

"Thank you." I said, after swallowing.

He nodded his head then went to Rick and he drank some. We all stopped when we found something. Rick picked the paper up and it said from a friend.

"What are we going to do?" Tara asked.

"We don't know who left it." Rick said.

"If it's a trap, we already happen to be in it." Eugene said. "But I would like to think it is indeed from a friend." He added.

"But we can't take a chance drinking any of it because we don't know if anything is in them." I said. Eugene then went and grabbed one of the bottles.

"Eugene." Rosita said.

"What are you doing?" Tara asked.

"Quality assurance." Eugene said, about to drink it until Abraham hit it out of his hand making it spill on the road.

"Eugene, you have to understand we can't take the chance. We don't know if someone put something in them. For all we know, someone could've put an undetectable kind of poison in it." I said. "Look, we're all thirsty but I'd rather be thirsty than possibly drinking poisoned water." I added. We then heard thunder in the sky and we all looked up.

A couple minutes later, it started to rain with the thunder roaring.

"I used to be scared of thunderstorms but now I'm happy for one." I said, before looking up again and opening my mouth. We were all laughing while drinking the rain coming out of the sky. It was also cooling us down from the heat.

"Everybody get the bags. Anything you can find." Rick said.

Everyone started grabbing anything that can store water and put them on the road. Carl put his hat over Judith. Judith was starting to cry and there was more thunder. We all looked in the distance and the clouds were a darker grey.

"Let's keep moving!" Rick shouted over the thunder.

"There's a barn!" Daryl shouted.

"Where?!" Rick asked.

Daryl then took us to a barn and we went inside when Rick checked the place out with a few others while we stayed outside. We were all soon inside. Some was laying down while a few of us were sitting beside a small fire we made. I was sitting next to Rick with my head on his shoulder and I was trying to stay awake. Carl was asleep with Judith in his arms which was adorable.

"That's cute." I said, looking at the sleeping Carl and Judith.

"Yes it is." Rick said.

Me and Rick stood up and just walked to the room that had that walker in. He closed the door and we just laid down with our heads on the hay, well, his head on the hay and my head on his arm.

"This is the first time in a long time that we were able to get any privacy." I said, looking at him.

"Yes it is." He said, pecking my lips.

I felt myself starting to fall asleep and soon we both fell asleep, cuddling.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now