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I got up when I heard Glenn saying something. I walked to the room I heard him and saw Merle stuffing guns in a bag.

"If you're going to live here, it'll be by our terms." Maggie said. Merle ignored her. "If Michonne can, why can't you?" She said.

"Cause it's my brother out there, that's why!" Merles said, loud.

"Merle, he's my brother too." I said. "I'm worried about him too but if you go and start something, that could get him killed. Why can't you understand that?!" I exclaimed.

"Because I could end this Maddie! You're the one that doesn't understand anything!" Merle yelled at me.

"No I do understand! I understand that you're a fucking idiot! You said you wanted to be closer with me! But what you're doing isn't going to get me to get closer to you! And you're going to get Daryl, Rick and Hershel killed because they're in the middle! If the Governor hears what you did, he'll kill them! You of all people should know that Merle!" I yelled back.

"Something's wrong with all of y'all!" Merle shouted, going to the door but Glenn blocked.

"I'm not going to let you put them in danger." Glenn said.

"Nut up boy!" Merle said. "Now get out of the way." He said.

"No." Glenn said.

"I said get out of my way!" Merle said, before they went rolling down the stairs.

Merle was trying to kill Glenn. Maggie wrapped her arm around Merle's neck, trying to pull him off while Michonne held his arm that had the blade, up and away from Glenn. I grabbed a handgun that was on the table and shot up into the ceiling. They then stood up after Merle kept yelling.

After the whole thing with Merle, I was helping Michonne with the bags and we were walking past Merle.

"You do know I'm right." Merle said, making us stop walking.

"What you think is right could get everyone killed." I said, walking away and leaving Merle and Michonne alone. The others soon returned but Merle started to talk to me.

"Maddie, I'm trying to keep you safe." Merle said. "I wish you would see that." He added.

"Why don't you think of the others as well? They're my group and I won't go against them. Rick knows what he's doing." I said.

"Look, I'm trying to keep you alive and so we can get closer with each other." Merle said.

This is when the others got to the cell block but stopped when they saw us, including Daryl.

"This isn't the way to get closer to me Merle. If you were trying to keep us alive, you would just wait until the others comes back. But right now all you're doing is pushing me away with how you're acting!" I yelled. "If you wanted to get closer to me and act like an actual brother, you should've started a long time ago but you didn't! Daryl was always there when I needed him, you weren't! Daryl knows more about me than you'll ever know! So does Rick and everyone else but you!" I continued. "What you want to do is reckless and stupid! And I know you're my brother and I should love you but you're making it harder for me to! What you think is right, could get us all killed including your brother and sister! Just get that through your fucking thick head!" I yelled, falling to the floor with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Merle, what the hell did you do?" Daryl asked, walking over with Rick. Rick knelt down beside me and pulled me closer to him.

"I don't have to say anything." Merle said. Daryl knew that there's no point in trying to make him say anything so he didn't say anything else.

"Rick, what happened at that meeting?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He wants the prison and he wants us dead." Rick said, still holding onto me. "We're going to war." He added. Everyone walked off to get ready, leaving me and Rick alone. He picked me up and laid on my bed.

"Thank you." I said, looking at him. He smiled slightly and kissed my forehead. Without realizing, I fell asleep with my head on Ricks thigh.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now