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I was with Hershel, making sure he doesn't fall down.

"Ready to race Hershel?" Carl asked.

"Give me another day then I'll take you on." He responded, making us laugh. I heard groaning sounds and I turned and saw the walkers coming through the gate.

"Walkers!" I shouted, pulling my gun out and started shooting them in the head. "Get inside! Now!" I shouted. Me and Maggie were leading Carl and Lori in cell block C.

"In here!" Carl shouted.

We all ran inside while me and Carl were trying to pull the door closed so walkers can't get in. Once it was closed, me and Carl went to Maggie and Lori.

"Something's not right." Lori said.

"Were you bit Lori?" Maggie asked.

"No, I think the baby's coming." Lori said. She then screamed out in pain. "I've got to give birth now!" She shouted. Maggie pulled Loris pants and underwear down and got ready.

"Lori push." Maggie said. Me and Carl were watching as Maggie was helping her give birth. "Wait Lori! Stop pushing!" Maggie exclaimed.

"Why?" Lori asked.

"You're bleeding." Maggie said.

"You have to cut me open Maggie." Lori said. I helped her lay down on her back. "Carl, come here." Lori said. Carl ran to her and sat beside her. "Carl, I don't want you to be scared okay. You're strong and you're smart. I love you." Lori said. I was starting to tear up, seeing Lori like this.

"Mom please, you have to live." Carl said.

"Carl, you know I won't make it and when the baby is out of me, you need to shoot me because I don't want to come back and be a danger to everyone, okay." Lori said. "Please promise me you'll shoot me in the head before I come back." She said, tears filling her eyes.

"Okay mom I promise." He said, crying.

"Maggie, here use my knife." I said, handing Maggie my knife.

Maggie got ready and she started cutting Lori open, with Lori screaming in pain. Carl was helping Maggie while she took the baby out of Lori, who was now dead. Maggie held the baby and cut the umbilical cord. She handed me the baby after I took my button shirt off to wrap around the baby to keep her warm.

Maggie went to put Lori down before she turned but Carl said he'll do it since he promised his mother. Me and Maggie walked out and heard him shoot her, making more tears fall from our eyes. We all walked out and went out of the prison. We saw the others outside and Rick looked this way after hearing a baby cry and saw me holding the baby but didn't see Lori and he figured out what had happened. Daryl came towards me and saw me crying.

"Daryl." Was all I could get out. Rick came over and I handed the baby to him. I hugged Daryl and cried in his shoulder. After we all calmed down, except for Rick because he just lost his wife, we were talking about the baby.

"What are we gonna feed it? Do we have anything a baby can eat?" Daryl asked.

"She needs formula or she won't live." Herself said.

"Hell no! No one else is gonna die, I'm going out for a run!" Daryl exclaimed.

"I'll go with you." I said. Maggie and Glenn said that they'll join. We got in a car and left to go search for baby food and the formula.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now