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It's been three months since what happened to Carl. He's awake and he's smiling like nothing happened. Liam is now three months old and he's smiling a lot especially when he's with Carl or Daryl. Sometimes I would catch Daryl playing with him, which always makes him giggle. Me and Carl got even closer and we joke around a lot more. A lot has changed in the last three months.

I was in mine and Rick's bedroom wearing a robe since I just got of out the shower while Rick was in the room with me making more holes on a belt. I walked back into the bathroom to brush my teeth but I couldn't find any toothpaste.

"Rick, do you have any toothpaste left?" I asked.

"No because someone's been borrowing it everyday for two weeks." Rick said, looking at me.

"Oops." I said, laughing slightly with him joining along. Carl was throwing a ball against the wall in the hallway. "Carl." I called out because of him throwing the ball against the same so many times.

"What? Denise says it's PT." He replied.

"I can't hear you. Come on out." Rick said. Carl came over closer to me and stopped.

"What?" Carl said, beside me.

"Denise says this is PT." Carl and Rick said at the same time. I laughed because I knew Rick heard him but he was just playing around with him.

"You heard me." Carl said, smiling slightly.

"Yeah." Rick said.

"It's time to change your bandage." I said, looking at Carl. "And I need to borrow some toothpaste." I added, looking at me hand.

"Okay but I'm out of toothpaste." Carl said. "Bye dad." Carl said.

"I'll see you later." Rick said. Rick bent down and picked Judith up and walked towards me. "No more toothpaste for you to borrow now Maddie." He said, looking me.

"Shut up." I said, chuckling.

"Did you hear what mommy said to me sweetheart? She told me to shut up." Rick said, looking at Judith. I laughed at his comment. We started to walk downstairs.

"You be good out there." I said, looking at him.

"Yeah, we'll see." Rick said, looking back.

"Spearmint and baking soda, that's my favorite." I said, pointing at him.

"As soon as I can get it, then you will." Rick said, before throwing the ball Carl had at me.

"You see what daddy did to mommy? He threw a ball at me. That's wasn't a nice thing to do." I said, looking at Judith then at Rick.

"Payback." Rick said, before disappearing. "Meet me and Daryl at the gate when you're dressed!" Rick shouted.

"I will!" I said, closing the door and started getting dressed.

I was in the car with Rick and Daryl. I was in the back seat while Daryl was in the passenger seat and Rick was driving. Eugene opened the gate and walked over to Daryl's side and handed him a paper which looked like a map.

"I mapped out some of the agricultural supply places in the area. Even if they're been cleaned out, my bet is that the sorghum would be untouched. Now that there is a criminally underrated grain that could change the game with our food situation from scary to hunky-dunky." Eugene told us.

Daryl slowly turned his head to Eugene looking confused which made me laugh. Whenever Daryl is confused, it's always funny from the way he reacts.

"I'm talking standability, drought tolerance, grain-to-stover ratio that is the envy of all corns." Eugene added. Daryl and Eugene made eye contact. "Think about it." Eugene said.

I was holding in my laugh in the backseat throughout the whole thing. Daryl continued looking at him, confused while Rick was slowly turning his head away from Eugene.

"Thanks." Daryl said.

"Okay." Eugene said, backing away from the car.

We then started driving away slowly while Rick and Daryl was looking at Eugene with confused faces. Once we were out of the gate, I started laughing.

"What are you laughing about back there?" Daryl asked.

"N-Nothing." I said, between laughs.

I saw Rick look at me through the rear view mirror and made me laugh more. After a few more minutes, I finished laughing.

"You good now?" Daryl asked. I nodded my head at him and he smiled slightly.

"Today's the day." Rick said.

"Uh-huh." Daryl said.

"We're going to find food, maybe some people. The law of averages has got to catch up." Rick said.

"I don't know we ain't seen nobody in awhile." Daryl said. "Maybe we ain't going to find nobody. Maybe that's a good thing." He added.

Rick looked over at Daryl then back at the road. He then pulled a CD out which made Daryl look at him.

"Don't." Daryl said. "Don't. Please don't." Daryl begged.

Rick put the CD in and it started playing. I was actually enjoying the song so far. Rick started snapping his fingers with a smile. Daryl looked at Rick with a glare.

"Draw 'em away from home!" Rick shouted.

Daryl was now looking at Rick like he was going to kill him any minute, which made me started laughing like crazy in the back.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now