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I woke up and saw Negan still asleep. I got out of bed and walked out and went to my room and saw that David's body was gone and there wasn't any blood on the floor anymore. I walked to the window and looked at the garden to see different people working there, I even see kids out there working. I changed my clothes and stayed in the room since I can't go anywhere without Negan or Simon. To keep me busy, I just started looking at the decorations which wasn't that fun. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door before opening it. Good thing I'm already dressed.

"Come on doll." Negan said. I followed without any questions and we went to the room where a lot of people were working on different things.

Everyone bowed down when Negan walked in. We walked down the steps and he had me stand next to Simon. I saw someone with a white Doctor jacket on. He then pointed Lucille at someone and I looked and saw Eugene with some lady I don't the name of.

"You outta pay close attention to this." Negan said. I feel like something happened but I don't know what exactly. Without warning, Negan hit the doctor in the arm with Lucille and he fell to the floor holding onto his arm.

"I didn't do anything." The doctor said.

"I found this little souvenir tucked away in your desk." He said, holding up a little piece of paper.

"I don't know what that is." The doctor said. Negan hit him with Lucille again. He handed Lucille to someone and cleared his throat. Dwight was at the furnace heating something up while Negan was putting his gloves on.

"You left the door open and let my puppy out. You knew Sherry hated Daryl being here, so you let him out for her, be her hero then you could move in. That is some weasley shit right there." Negan said. I was getting scared of what's going to happen.

"No but I didn't." The doctor said, obviously scared.

"You want to know why she ran?!" Negan shouted. "She knew I would blame her which I did. Sherry told Dwighty boy the whole story before she was torn apart. A super hot girl horrifically killed because of your greed." He said.

"Dwight." The doctor said.

"Why would he do that? Why would he intentionally try to hurt you? Sherry's gone and if he's lying, if she's out there I will find her. Then I will burn the other side of his face off until he dies. So what's he going to get out of this? No. You see, I know my Dwighty boy is, all he needed was one more night in the hole get his head screwed on straight. Worked before and it will work now. Ain't that right Dwight?" Negan said.

"Oh yeah." Dwight answered. I feel like he's lying but I can't say anything because I don't know. He then pulled out an iron made out of cast iron. Negan grabbed it and started walking to the doctor.

"No please no. Oh Jesus don't burn me please." The doctor begged. "No no please." He continued begging. I want to look away but I can't. I feel tears in my eyes.

"You know I hate this shit just tell me you did it." Negan said. "And that you're sorry. I don't have to do this." He added, bringing the iron close to the side of his face.

"Yeah. Yes. I did all of it. I'm sorry." The doctor said. "I'm so sorry." He apologized again. Negan then pulled the iron away from him and dropped it to the floor.

"That's all you had to say. That is all you had to say." Negan said, turning and looked at me then at Eugene. Out of nowhere, Negan grabbed the doctor and threw him into the furnace and into the fire.

Everyone stayed quiet and I had the look of shock on my face and a stray tear falling down my face. I didn't know the doctor but I know he didn't deserve that kind of death.

"Good thing we have a spare Dr. Carson. I trust you Dwighty boy. I never should have doubted you. Sherry was one of my favorites. I'm sorry." Negan said.

"I'm not." Dwight said.

"Ice cold. I love it." Negan said. Of course he does. He then walked away from Dwight and came towards me. "Come on doll." He said. I followed him without question again even though a couple more tears fell down my cheeks.

I was soon back in my room and I was sitting on the bed, thinking about what happened. The door then opened and I looked to see Negan walking inside. I looked back down.

"Sorry you had to see what I did earlier doll but I had to because he helped Daryl escape." He said.

"I guess I understand." I said, not looking at him.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now