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It was soon nighttime and we just got back from the woods somewhere during the daylight. We were at the sewer when someone came up to us.

"Carl. Maddie." Michonne said. Oh no we're in trouble. "I've been looking for both of you." She said.

"Well you found us." I said, looking at her.

"We're about ready to head out, what are two doing?" She asked.

"We're helping someone. A traveler." Carl said.

"In the sewer?" Michonne questioned.

"Yeah." I said, trying to keep a straight face. We heard a a bang against the gate which made us turn towards it. We then heard a loud ringing before someone spoke.

"You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm." Negan said. Son of a bitch! "See, we are polite. I mean I don't know when they're going to wake up from that kind of shot but they should wake up. So let's just cut through the cow shit—you lose. It's over. So you are going to line up in front of your little houses, and you're going to work up some apologies, and then the person with the lamest one is going to get killed. Then I kill Rick in front of everybody and we move on. You have three minutes to open this gate, or we start bombing the shit out of you!" Negan said.

"They got out." Michonne said. Negan then started whistling.

"Come on." Carl said. Carl closed the sewer and I was next to him. "Michonne come on!" Carl said. The three of us then ran past the sewer, away from the gate.

While Negan was still whistling, we were getting everything ready.

"You need to make it look like we're escaping through the back. Get to the woods, halfway to the quarry, and cut the lights.get enough of a lead on them, hit them and get away on foot. You know where we'll be. Just have to get the guns, get everyone else here, and we'll meet you there." Carl said, stuffing things in a bag.

"Two minutes, people! Dig deep. I want these apologies to be memorable. Bonus points for creativity. Work up a poem, sing a song. I love that shit." Negan shouted.

"Get going. There's going to be people in the infirmary. They're going to need your help." Carl said.

"Look, we got guns. We can fight them." Tara said.

"We will but not now." Rosita said. "Carl's right." She added.

"Carl, we can't just let them have this place." Michonne said.

"We can. All we need to do is survive tonight. This is my show, you said it." Carl said. "This is my plan and you're going to do it. You're all going to do it. So, let's go!" He added. I was beside Daryl the whole time. I stayed with Carl even if he didn't want me to.

"Okey-dokey. You brought this on yourself Rick. See I was willing to work with you, all you had to do was follow a few very simple rules. But now...well now I see that you got to go. Scorched earth, you dick!" Negan shouted.

"He's not home." Carl said, when me and him got on the platform.

"Oh holy shit! Everybody hold your fire. It's Carl and Maddie. Look at you Carl, answering the door like a big boy. I'm so proud. Is your husband not home Maddie? I guess he's going to get back to a big smoky surprise." Negan said.

"There's families in here." I said.

"Kids." Carl added. "My little brother and sister." He said.

"We'll that shit just breaks my heart. There's kids at the Sanctuary, you must've seen them. Even had a little baby at one of the outposts. I wonder what happened to her. None of this shit is fair. Hell, you both know that. Carl, you had to kill your own mom. That is screwed up." Negan said. "Ergo, we need someone in charge who's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that shit doesn't happen. Oh wait.  That's me." He added.

"Bad stuff does happen." I said.

"But we can figure this out." Carl said. "We can stop this." He said.

"Now you both want to talk? See your dad and husband thought I died, no matter what. He gave my people a choice, but not me. Now we're going to need a new understanding. Apologies, punish—" Negan said, before being interrupted.

"Kill me." Carl said. I looked at him with widened eyes.

"What did you just say?" Negan asked. Tears were starting to build up in my eyes.

"If you have to kill someone, if there has to be a punishment, then kill me." Carl said. "I'm serious." He added.

"Carl." I said. He looked at me and saw the tears in my eyes.

"You want to die?" Negan asked.

"No, I don't. But I will." Carl answered. "It's going to happen and if me dying could stop this, if it can make things different for us, for you, for all those other kids, it'll be worth it. I mean was this the plan? Was it supposed to be this way? Is this who you wanted to be?" He said. The tears were now falling down my cheeks at the thought of him dying. We then heard the trucks bust through the walls in the back and that was our signal to leave.

"Son of a bitch Carl! Was that just a play?! I thought we were having a moment you little asshole!" Negan shouted. "Bombs away!" He shouted. They started bombing Alexandria and me and Carl both fell to the ground which made the shoot through me again but ignored it.

"Come on Maddie!" He said, grabbing me. He started leaving homemade smoke bombs and I was limping a bit because of the pain. The church then went up in flames. A car then exploded and blew us back. Carl stood up while I stayed on the ground. I felt something in my leg and I looked down to see a piece of debris going through my leg. Carl came to pull it out and he yanked it out of my leg, making me scream out from the pain then he helped me stand up and had his arm around me to keep me standing and to help me walk.

"On the ground woman and kid!" One of the Saviors shouted. Carl put out another smoke bomb and we quickly got out of there. We went in the sewer and hid there. Me and Carl started walking through the sewer with him helping me. I was losing more blood but I told Carl to rip my shirt in half and tie it around my legs to slow down the bleeding.

We saw Rick coming and he stopped when he saw Siddiq sitting the end. Daryl was sleeping with Judith and Liam on his lap

"I brought him here." Carl said. I was sitting next to Carl and I was crying. "That's how it happened." He added. Rick looked at me and my leg but I motioned to look at Carl. Carl then showed him the bite on his ribs. When he showed me when we sat down, that's when I started crying. I was sitting beside Carl because I needed to, I didn't want to leave him. I don't want him to die, I love him like he's my own son.

He doesn't deserve to die, he's too young to die. We can't lose him.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now