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(Warning 🔞: There's smut in this chapter. If this makes you uncomfortable, scroll down until you see these ~~~~~~~)

Rick made my back go against a tree and connected his lips with mine. His hands were gripping onto my hips and squeezing every minute. My arms were around his neck and we were kissing each other hungrily. He pulled away and put his head in the crook of my neck and nipped and sucked on the skin. I moved my head to side a bit more to give him access to more of my neck. His hands started to slide under my shirt and rested on my waist for a second before moving further up until they were on my breasts.

I put my hands on the back of his head before he pulled away. He lifted my shirt over my head and it was on the ground beside us and he made my bra join it. He instantly attached his mouth to my nipple and started sucking.

"Ahhh." I moaned. He put his hand over my mouth to muffle my moans so no one hears them. After a minute or two on my breasts, he kissed down my stomach until he was on his knees in front of my clothed heat. He undid my belt and my jeans button and zipper then pulled the down along with my panties. He connected his mouth to my heat and licked up my folds then sucked on my clit. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my moans since his hands were on my ass.

He put a finger into me and thrusted in and out of me while he was still sucking my clit. He put a second finger in and went faster. I was getting closer to my high and a minute later I released into his mouth. He pulled away and stood back up. I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and made it join my clothes. His pants and boxers soon joined them. He was against the tree and I was on my knees, in front of his member. I wrapped my hand around the base and wrapped my mouth around the tip then slowly started to take him in my mouth.

I bobbed my head slowly but started to speed up. He was trying not to moan but I can tell it's getting harder for him to hold them in. I massaged his balls and bobbed my head as fast as I can until he released into my mouth. I pulled him out of my mouth and swallowed. He made me jump and wrap my legs around his waist. He put my back against the tree and he aligned himself up to my entrance. He started to pushing into me slowly. He put his head in the crook of my neck. I shut my eyes and opened my mouth up slightly from the feeling of him inside.

My arms was around him and I was scratching at his back. He was fully inside me and he started thrusting into me, at a slow pace. I put my head in the crook of his neck and let out a low, quiet moan.

"Fuck." I moaned. He pulled away from my neck and connected his lips with mine and kissed me to help suppress our moans. I pulled out of the kiss and put my head against the tree with my eyes still closed and my mouth open. He pulled me away from the tree and carefully laid me down on the ground with him still inside me. He put his hands on my hips and pushed them down to keep me from moving and thrusted into me faster. I put my hands beside me and grabbed a handful of leaves with some dirt.

"Ah fuck Maddie." He moaned, quietly. He put my right leg on his shoulder so he can got deeper into me. My toes were starting to curl from the pleasure. His thrusts were starting to hit the spot in me that added more pleasure.

"Right there Rick." I moaned, quietly. He leaned down closer to me while thrusting at an inhuman speed, hitting the spot over and over again. My eyes were starting to hurt from how tight I had them shut. "Shit." I moaned. I felt a knot in my stomach and I knew my high was approaching. "I'm close Rick." I said. He let go of my hips and slammed into me hard which sent me over the edge and I released around him. A few thrusts later, he pulled out and released onto my stomach. We laid there for a bit to catch our breath before getting dressed again.


After making sure there was no leaves on us, we went back to the camp. I walked closer and saw Daryl sitting down by himself. I sat down next to him. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

"Remember when we used to just sit on the back porch just watching the sunset?" I asked.

"Yes I do. I miss that, I wish we can do it again." He said. "I remember one night when we were on the porch when you were younger, you would always want to camp out in the backyard with me. We would just lay on the ground and watch the stars and when you got tired, you would lay on top of me with your stomach against mine and just fall asleep and I would have my arms around you. You would do your little snores and every time you did, I would smile. You were an adorable little girl and it feels just like yesterday when you were that young but now you're a 35 year old married woman who has a three year old son. You grew up so fast." He said, smiling.

"Those were good times. I always went to you whenever something would happen. Whether it would be just a little scrap on my knee or when I got bullied at school or when I just needed someone to show me that they love me. You were the one I would go to because I felt safer with you. You would literally drop anything when it came to me and you still do." I said. "I felt safer with you than with Merle mainly because you were always there when I needed someone the most. Whenever I had a bad dream, you were always there and you would sleep next to me with me in your arms." I said. "When I was unconscious from that bullet wound, I saw everyone that we lost. I saw Carl. Dale. Beth. Hershel. Merle. They were all telling me that it wasn't my time to join them and that I have to stay here. Merle said that you needed me with you. Carl and Lori both said that Rick needs me. They said everyone needs me here. That's when I opened my eyes. I smiled when I saw you and Rick in the room with me. It showed me that no matter what happens, I'll always have you both with me." I said, looking at him with tears falling from my eyes.

"We will always be here for you. We're never going to leave you. Not now, not ever. When I saw that you were shot, I was scared I was going to lose you. I don't ever want to lose you. You're my little sister and my best friend. If I ever lost you, I don't know if I'll be able to go on without you." He said, wiping the tears away.

"I love you Daryl. So much." I said, hugging him. He hugged me back and rubbed his hand up and down on my back.

"I love you too Maddie." He said, kissing the temple of my head.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now