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"Maddie, Rick is in the room." Caleb said, walking away.

He looks like he's getting sick but yet he's still helping everyone feel better, well the best he can. I slowly walked to the room and saw Rick. As soon as he saw me, he came to the window.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked.

"Nope." I said. "But I'm fighting it like a champ, aren't I?" I said, chuckling before coughing up more blood.

"Yes you are Maddie." He said. "I wish I was able to hug you tightly right now." He said.

"I wish I could too. I miss your hugs and cuddling in the bed to keep each other warm." I said, faintly smiling. "And Hershel was going to give me elderberry tea but I was too scared to drink it." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because there wasn't enough research to see if it's safe for pregnant women. No one knows if it'll harm the baby or not and I didn't want to risk it." I said, looking down at my belly.

"Damnit. Daryl is hopefully on his way back." He said.

"I hope so because I'm getting more sleepy day by day." I said. "More people died in here and Caleb is getting sick too. We're losing more people each day. I'm keeping an eye on Glenn since that's the only thing I can do in here." I added. "And Lizzie is in here too, she's just a little girl and she might be coming down with it because she said she wasn't feeling well." I said, looking down.

"Damnit." He said.

"Have you found the person who killed Karen and David yet?" I asked.

"Not yet." He replied.

"I wonder who killed them. Maybe whoever killed them did it because they were sick with the flu but why aren't they killing everyone else in here? Like me and Glenn?" I said. "I wish I saw who did it but sadly I didn't." I added.

"They won't kill you or anyone else in there Maddie, don't think that way." He said.

"I know but it's weird. Both Karen and David was coughing and they ended up dead. I'm much worse than everyone else that's in here. Sometimes I feel like death." I said, when I heard something going on in the cell block. "I'll be right back I'm going to see what's happening in there." I said, going back in the cell block. I looked inside Glenn's cell and he was on the floor and he was coughing up more blood than I was. "What's going on?" I asked, worried.

"Glenn is getting worse and he can't breath." Hershel said. I grabbed the breathing thing and put it over his mouth and nose and squeezed the balloon, helping him breath. I started feeling light-headed and I soon blacked out.

Rick's POV:

I was still waiting for Maddie to come back but she never did and I was getting more worried than I already was until the door opened and Hershel walked in.

"Rick, I have some news for you." He said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Maddie fainted but she's in her bed with the cell door locked just in case." He told me.

"What's going on in there? Maddie went to check what was going on." I said, trying to hold in tears.

"Glenn was having difficulty breathing and Maddie helped me to help him breath and that's when she fainted. She's getting worse, she needs those antibiotics soon because she may not live without them. Is Daryl back yet?" He asked.

"Not yet." I said. "Is there a way you can slow the flu down so she can have time?" I asked, hoping there's another way.

"If I can get her to drink the tea with the elderberries in it then it could help control the symptoms but she's scared to drink it because of the baby." He told me. "Which I understand that she's worried but if she doesn't get better the baby as well as her will die." He said.

"I can try to talk her into drinking it but I don't know if it'll work because she's more worried for everyone else more than herse—" I said, before getting interrupted.

"She woke up Hershel but she doesn't look so good." Lizzie told him.

"I have to go in there and check on her Rick. Let me know when Daryl gets back with the medicine we need." He said, before following Lizzie back in the cell block. I leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor.

"Please live Maddie, I can't live without you." I said in my head, letting the tears fall down my cheek.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now