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Me, Michonne, Siddiq and Rick were in the room where Negan was. Negan had a bandage around his neck and he was now wearing grey sweatpants.

"We know you're awake." Michonne said.

"I never said I wasn't." Negan said.

"Good, we need to tell you a few things." Michonne said. "You don't have to open your eyes now but you're going to open them soon. Because we're going to make you watch what happens." She said. Negans eyes opened and I was sitting down in the chair beside the bed but not too close to it.

"This isn't about who you killed, this is about what you did to us." Rick said. "What you did to so many people, how you made people live for you and how you put people under your boot." He said.

"I saved people." Negan said, lifting his head. Michonne pushed him down but putting slight pressure on his wound.

"Michonne." Siddiq said.

"He needs to know." Michonne said, looking at Siddiq. "This isn't a discussion." She added.

"We can open the stitches for a little while just to remind him." Rick said. "Carl pictured something better. All of us working together for something bigger than all of us. And you'll have a job too." He added.

"Yeah, you get to be apart of it. You'll be an example of what this will be. We're not going to kill you, we're not going to hurt you. You're going to rot in a cell. For the rest of your life, day after day. You're going to be evidence that we're making a civilization, something like what we had. Something we're going to get back." I said, looking at him. I normally don't say things like these but I knew I had to.

"And you get to watch it happen. And you get to see how wrong you were about what people can be, about how life could be." Michonne said.

"You alive, will show people that things have changed. That keeping you breathing, earns another way, a better way. That's the part you'll play. So after all this, maybe you're good for something." Rick said.

We all walked out of the room and I went to check on Judith and Gracie since they're in the same room. Judith was standing up in her crib, looking at me with a smile while bouncing up and down. I chuckled before picking her up.

"You silly girl." I said, tickling her which made her start giggling. "Here comes the tickle monster." I said, tickling her more.

"How's my girls doing?" Rick asked, watching us play.

"I'm the tickle monster and I'm tickling this little angel." I said, when Liam started crying. "He's got great timing." I said, handing Judith to Rick to go to Liam. I walked into the room to see Liam biting on his blanket. "Are you teething little guy? Is that why you're crying?" I asked, leaning over and picking him up. I turned and saw Rick walk into the room. "Rick." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Your little man is teething that's probably the reason why he keeps crying so much during the night." I told him.

"My poor boy." He said, walking over and out his hand on the back of his head and rubbing gently. Liam was still crying because of the pain.

"We know it hurts buddy, mommy and daddy went through it too. So did Uncle Daryl." I said. "You want to use mommy as a chew toy?" I asked, because that's only thing I can think of to do. I made sure my finger was clean and I put the tip of my finger in his mouth and he started biting at it. "This is the only thing I know to do for something like this." I said, when Liam bit my finger harder. "Ow, that one hurt." I said.

"He needs to bite something." Rick said. I glared at him and he ran. I saw him run out of the house and he bumped into Daryl and fell to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Daryl asked.

"Your sister is going to kill me." Rick said.

"What did you do?" He asked. I was now at the door and leaned against the frame.

"All I said was that Liam needs to bite something while he was biting her finger." He said. "He's teething." He added.

"Did she glare at you?" He asked.

"Yes she did." Rick replied.

"You're dead Rick. You better run." Daryl said, getting Liam from my arms and Rick started running again with me chasing after him.

"Come here Rick, I just want to give you a hug!" I shouted.

"No! I know what you're really going to do!" He shouted.

"I can chase you all day Rick! So you might as well stop running!" I shouted. After a little while, he grew tired and started slowing down. I tackled him to ground and was on top of him. "Got you!" I said, laughing. He started laughing along with me then we started doing what we needed to do.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now