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The sunlight was shining into my eyes, waking me up. Rick's arm was around me and I slowly got out without waking him up. I walked to get Liam so I can feed him. When I walked into the room, I didn't see Judith or Liam. I was about to freak out but I didn't want to jump to conclusions and assume the worst. I went downstairs and saw Carl feeding both Judith and Liam.

"Morning Carl." I said, waking into the kitchen. He looked at me and smiled.

"Morning Maddie." He said, putting the little spoon in Liams mouth. "I wanted to feed them for you so you or dad had to. I hope I didn't scare you when they weren't in their room." He added.

"I had a feeling you had them." I said. "But I was worried for until I saw them with you." I added.

"Sorry about that." He said.

"You don't have to apologize. You're being a great big brother." I said. "And they love being around you as you can tell." I added, chuckling.

After a little while, Rick finally woke up and we all got ready to leave to do what we have to do. We have to meet up with the Kingdom and the Hilltop and talk about what we are going to do about the Saviors since after what happened, I'm pretty sure there's going to be a war. But I'm not going to lie, I'm scared since we don't know how all this will turn out.

We soon ended up in a field and saw a lot of people there who are from the Hilltop and the Kingdom. I got out of the vehicle I was in and I stood next to Paul and Rick stood on the back of a truck and started speaking.

"When I first met him, Jesus said my world was going to get a whole lot bigger. Well, we found that world. We found each other, that bigger world is ours by right. That we've come together for it, all of us it's that more true. It's ours by right." Rick said. Everyone was agreeing with him and I had a smile on my face. "Any person who would live in peace and fairness, who would find common ground it's their right too. But those who use and take and kill, to carve out the world and make it theirs alone. We end them! We don't celebrate it. We don't have shame about it either. There's only one person who has to die, and I will kill him myself, I will." He said, looking at me and saw the smile on my face.

Everything he's saying is right. We can't live in peace and fairness if there someone that's trying to kill us or trying to keep us from having any sort of peace.

"But if it's the others who prop him up, stand by his side, even those who just look the other way-so be it." Rick continued. "Then, we keep making the world bigger. Together." He said, smiling slightly.

"Together." Ezekiel said. "Bound forever! To quote the Bard: for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother!" He added. He smiled at Rick and he smiled back. "For she today. My sister." He said, walking towards Maggie. Shiva then roared from the truck she was laying on.

"We've practiced. We've been through it over and over again. We all know the plan doesn't end this morning, that we may have to live in uncertainty for days, maybe more. But we have to keep faith in each other. If we can hold onto that, with everything we have, the future is ours." Maggie said. "The world is ours." She said, looking out at the field like Rick was doing.

We went back to the Hilltop and started getting ready. I saw Rick at the graves and I walked over and stood next to him. We stood in silence holding each other with one arm. We payed our respects to Abraham and Glenn. After paying our respects, Rick walked off and I walked to Paul.

"Hey Paul, we haven't talked since I got back from that hellhole." I said.

"Sorry." He said. "I missed you Maddie. I missed my best friend in this whole world." He said, hugging me. "How dare he take my best friend?" He added, making me laugh.

"Poor Paul, deprived of his time with his best friend. Now I have to make it up to you. How do you want me to make it up to you?" I asked.

"How about we go fool around?" He asked, jokingly. I hit him in the arm hard and he rubbed his arm. "I was just kidding!" He shouted.

"I'm married Paul and I have a child!" I shouted, laughing. "But how can someone not want me though, just look at me I'm one hot woman" I added.

"Yeah you are but there is a way to make it up to me." He said. To be honest, I'm quite scared of what he's going to say.

"And what is it? And it better not be inappropriate." I said. He chuckled before speaking.

"Let's have a race." He said. I feel like he would win the race.

"Okay then." I said.

"Great. Whoever gets to the other side of Hilltop first wins." He said. We were currently at the gate.

"You're on!" I shouted. "On three! One!" I shouted.

"Two!" Paul shouted.

"Three!" We said in unison. We started running and he was in the lead. Damn this man is fast. The wall was getting closer and Paul got there first.

"Damnit!" I shouted. Paul bursted out laughing and fell to the ground.

"You're so slow Maddie!" He shouted.

"Shut up! I'm not slow, you're just too fast!" I shouted, laughing along with him. After we calmed down we went and drank a little bit of water.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now