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Me and Daryl soon got back to Alexandria and he came to a stop. Carl came over and since I didn't have my jacket anymore, he saw the blood going down my arm.

"What happened Maddie?" He asked.

"I just rolled on top of a rock, then got blown into a tree." I said. Daryl got off and picked me up bridal style again. He carried me back to the house and laid me down on the couch.

"Carl, go get the acting doctor." Daryl said. Carl ran out to get the doctor. Daryl got me out of my shirt so my bra was exposed.

"Daryl I'm okay." I said.

"You still have to get checked out Maddie." He said. I know there's no use in arguing. The acting doctor ran in and looked at my arm first then my back. I had to get stitches in my arm and I just had a bruise on my back, but the doctor said that I'll be alright.

I wasn't in the amount of pain I was in before so I was back walking around. I obviously put my shirt back on and walked around looking at everything with a bandaged arm.

"Hi Carl." I said, making him look at me.

"Hey Maddie, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I've been better but I'm fine. I look badass with this bandage on my arm, don't I?" I asked.

"Yes you do." He said.

"Maybe not today or maybe not tomorrow but I will get my revenge on that freaking rock for cutting my beautiful arm." I said, chuckling. He laughed along with me

"Maddie can you come with me somewhere?" He asked.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" I asked, jokingly.

"Of course not. I want to check something out." He said.

"Okay but stay close to me alright?" I said. He nodded his head and we left Alexandria. We were walking through the woods and Carl had a backpack on. We heard a walker and saw one with a stick going through trying to get a plastic bag that was on a tree. I have never seen that one before but it was kinda funny. I can tell there's nothing in that bag but the walker is curious. We then saw a man walk up behind the walker and killed it.

"Hey." Carl said, grabbing the mans attention. The man looked at us and Carl put his hands out and I did the same thing. "It was my dad. They were warning shots above your head. He wasn't shooting at you." He said. The man was slowly walking towards us, cautiously. "I'm Carl." He said, then looked at me to introduce myself.

"I'm Maddie." I said, smiling slightly at the man. The man hesitated before speaking.

"Siddiq." Siddiq said.

"We brought food and water." Carl said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I guess you were talking about something your mom said about helping people. And my mom told me to do what's right. It's hard to know what that is sometimes but also sometimes not." Carl said, tossing the bag with a small bottle of water and some food closer to him.

Siddiq walked closer to the bag and fell to the ground and opened it. He opened the bottle of water and chugged it down. He was pretty thirsty.

"Thanks." He said.

"Glad we found you." Carl said.

"You were looking for me?" He asked, standing up while still holding his knife.

"Yeah, I scavenged the sardines, other stuff. We're in a community. Maddie is going to ask you a few questions." Carl said, looking at me. Guess I have to now.

"Please answer me honestly, okay?" I said, preparing myself.

"Okay." He said.

"How many walkers have you killed?" I asked.

"237." He answered. That's a lot of walkers, damn.

"Really?" Carl asked.

"Give or take a couple." He said, looking at the dead walker beside him then looked back at us.

"How many people have you killed?" I asked.

"One." He answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"The dead tried to kill him but...they didn't." He said.

"Okay. We noticed you're making walker traps, is that how killed so many?" I asked.

"It's only part of it. My mom thought or hoped that killing them would free their souls. You know?" He said. "Maybe she was right." He added.

"Doing that, doesn't that just make things harder for you while you're trying to survive?" Carl asked. That was sort of harsh to ask.

"I don't know. But got to honor your parents right?" He asked.

"If I was honoring my dad, we wouldn't be talking right now." Carl said. "And definitely wouldn't be bringing you back to our community." He added. Even if we bring him to Alexandria, we still have to keep an eye on him because you never know someone's true intentions.

"Okay come on but stay close to us and I'm not saying you will but don't try anything. Remember we can never be too careful." I said. He nodded his head and he started following us. We heard walkers and we decided to go check how many there were. We came to a tree and crouched down and saw three walkers feeding on a dead deer.

"Okay, for your mom." Carl said. The three of us pulled our knives out and started walking towards them to kill the walker. Siddiq was grabbed a walker and couldn't kill him but I was stuck trying to kill the walker on me. I heard more walkers approaching and I turned and saw about four more approaching but could be more.

"Just go you two don't have to do this." Siddiq said. Carl went to grab the walker that was holding onto Siddiq when I just killed the walker I was dealing with. I killed another walker and heard someone fall and I turned and saw Carl on the ground with a walker on top of him. There were too many for us to fight. Before I was able to run to help Carl, I was grabbed by a walker and I fell to my back which made pain shoot through.

"Ah fuck!" I shouted out in pain. I killed the walker and threw it off of me and another walker climbed on top of me. Soon the walkers were dead and I stood up in pain. I looked at my arm and saw blood seeping through the bandage which meant I ripped the stitches out.

"You both okay?" Siddiq asked.

"Yeah." Carl said.

"I'm fine." I said, putting my hand on my arm and put pressure on it again.

"You both could have left." Siddiq said.

"We weren't going to let you get killed out here." I said.

"I'm responsible for you now." Carl said.

"We both are Carl." I said.

"But I asked you to come out here so I'm responsible for him." He said.

"I don't want to make any trouble." Siddiq said. "Your dad didn't want anything to do with me." He added.

"He didn't but...sometimes kids has to find their own way to show their parents the way." Carl said, walking away to grab the bag then we then went to Alexandria.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now