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"Are you sure you want to come Maddie?" Rick asked.

"I'm sure." I said. "The more the better." I added.

Everyone that was going got in a car and left. I was in the RV with Rick a few others. We soon came to a stop and we all honked our horns to try to attract some walkers. We got out and stood on the road.

"Aaron, Rosita...you start here." Rick said. "We'll peel off every quarter mile, meet back here in a couple hours. See what we got." He said.

I turned and saw Gabriel walking towards us and was beside me.

"There's no turning back now." Rick said to Gabriel.

"I could walk." Gabriel said. "Maybe run a little, maybe a lot. I'm not going anywhere." He added. "I wanted to learn, you taught me for a reason." He said.

"Why are you still wearing that?" Rick asked.

"It's still who I was. I think. And it'll be harder for them to see me in the dark." He replied.

Me and Rick both chuckled a bit. We then walked away from Gabriel after Rick hit Gabriel's shoulder once. Me and Rick were beside each other and I felt him look at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"Maybe we can fool around." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Now is not the time for that Rick. You dirty, dirty man." I said, chuckling. I saw a walker and pointed at it. "There's a walker, I'll be right back." I said, pulling out my knife and ran towards it. I stabbed in the head, killing it. "Oh my god, this walker has seen better days." I said, when Rick got beside me.

"Yes it has." He agreed. We heard another walker and he went and killed it.

"Now that right there, was hot." I said, making him look at me and chuckled. I felt a water droplet hit my hand and I looked up. "Hey look at that it's raining, well drizzling." I said, looking at the sky. I looked back at the walker and crouched down. "So do you think this head will do?" I asked. He came over and look at it.

"Maybe, it kinda looks like him." He said. "Let's cut the head off." He said, pulling out his machete and cut the head off. "You want to carry it?" He asked.

"You want me to, don't you?" I asked. He smirked when I grabbed it. "I hate you so much." I said.

"You love me." He said, when we started walking back to where the vehicles are.

We soon arrived at the vehicles and saw everyone already there, waiting for us. We stopped and started talking.

"We're gonna take a look around, try to get a feel for how many people are in there. We like how it looks, we go in. A couple of hours before dawn. The guards outside will be tired. Everyone inside will be sleeping. We don't like what we see, we head back, make a new plan. They don't know who we are. We'll keep Jesus in the shadows. This is how we eat. We roll out at midnight." Rick said, walking away. I was beside him and Carol stopped him.

"Why is Maggie here?" Carol asked.

"She's guarding the perimeter." He told her.

"Yeah but why is she here?" She asked again.

"Because it's her choice." Rick told her.

"I'm going to stay out here with her." Carol said.

"Well, this whole thing is a race to the armory. We need as many people inside as we can get." Rick said.

"She shouldn't be out there alone. She shouldn't be out here in the first place." She said.

"Okay." Rick said.

"Good." Carol said, walking away.

"Done with the hair?" Rick asked, when we got to where the heads are. "What have we got?" He asked, looking at the heads.

"That one." Paul said, pointing at one of the heads.

"Yeah that's it." Andy said.

"Alright." Rick said.

"Though it's probably good we're doing this at night." Paul said.

"Something wrong with it?" Rick asked, crouching down in front of the head they chose.

"The nose. Gregory's is a different shape." Paul said. Rick picked up the head and started punching it which to be honest looked kinda funny.

 Rick picked up the head and started punching it which to be honest looked kinda funny

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Once he finished punching the head, he put it back down.

"He fought back. He broke your hand, right?" Rick asked.

"Guess there's no reason to be subtle about it." Paul said. Rick grabbed his gun off the ground and stood back up.

"What?" Rick asked, looking at Andy.

"The Saviors, they're scary but those pricks got nothing on you." Andy said, walking away.

I was holding in my laugh because now is not the time to laugh. Now all there is left for us to do is wait until nighttime.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now