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I was out at the field, just walking around getting some fresh air. I saw someone coming this way but they looked injured. I ran to the gate and opened it. I killed the walker that was getting closer to her. I wrapped my arm around her rib cage and helped her inside, closing the gate.

"What happened to you?" I asked. She didn't say anything and I didn't want to push her to tell me. Rick came over and took over. Daryl soon joined us.

"Who the hell is this?" Daryl asked.

"What's your name?" Rick asked. "We're not going to hurt you unless you do something stupid first, alright?" He said.

"It looks like she's been shot." I said. "Who shot you?" I asked. When she wasn't answering, Rick spoke.

"We just want to help you." Rick said.

"I didn't ask for your help." She said.

"At least let us help treat your wound." I said. She thought about it first before nodding her head.

After treating the gunshot wound, she was laying in a cell that was close to ours but not too close. Me and Rick we were with the woman that showed up here trying to figure out what her name is and how she found the prison.

"There's a town called Woodbury, that's where I came from." She said.

"But how did you find out about this prison?" Rick asked.

"The man that runs that place, he goes by the Governor. He said that there is a prison and pointed in the direction it was in and said it was a straight shot." She said.

"Does he have any muscle?" Daryl asked.

"He's got a pair of military wannabes and there's armed sentries on every wall." She told us. He's not someone we should mess with if he has those. "Some of his men brought in two people. An Asian and a woman." She said.

"What did the woman look like?" I asked. It may be Maggie.

"She had short brown hair and had a country accent." She answered.

"What about the Asian?" I asked.

"Can't quite describe him but he looked worried for the woman." She said.

"That sounds like Maggie and Glenn, so the Governor most likely took them." I said.

"He didn't capture them himself, another man with this thing with a blade in replacement of a hand." She said.

"What did he look like?" Daryl asked.

"I can't describe him but the woman I was with knew him and called him Merle." She answered.

"How can we be so sure if we can trust her?" Oscar asked.

"This is Maggie and Glenn. We shouldn't debate about this." Beth said.

"There ain't no fight. I'm going after them." Daryl said.

"It sounds like the place is secure and heavily guarded, we can't just go in and get out without being noticed. We have to plan this out if we all want to get out alive." Rick said.

"I agree with Rick. If we just try to go in and grab Glenn and Maggie, we could get ourselves killed." I said.

"We can't just let them keep them, we have to get them out of there Maddie!" Daryl shouted.

"I know! Don't you think I want to help them too?!" I shouted back.

"Okay, calm down. We'll get them out but we have to be quiet when we go in, we can't draw attention to ourselves." Rick said. We all got ready to go to Woodbury. I was packing the things we'll need when someone walked up to me.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you Maddie." Daryl apologized.

"Don't apologize Daryl, I understand why you yelled." I assured. "You care about them and you don't want anything happening to them." I said, looking at him. "But I hope you do know that I do want to help them. We just have to come up with a plan to get in and get out without anyone getting killed." I said.

"I know Maddie but I shouldn't have yelled at you like that because I know you're worried about them just as much as I am." He said, hugging me then pulling away. "Well, we better finish preparing." He said, walking away.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now