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(Warning 🔞: There's smut in this chapter. If you're not comfortable reading it, scroll until you see these ~~~~~~~)

It was now nighttime and we were still at the Kingdom since Ezekiel will say his decision in the morning. Me and Rick were sharing a room, obviously and I was sitting on the bed while Rick was laying on the bed beside me.

"I saw how you were clinging onto Carl in there." Rick said.

"There was a Tiger in there." I said.

"But you were the only one clinging onto somebody." He said.

"I'm very scared of tigers. So what. He kept me safe." I said, looking at him.

"I didn't know you were scared of tigers Maddie." He said.

"I am, so sue me." I said, earning a laugh from him. I swung my leg over him and straddled him. He put his hands on my hips, making sure I don't fall off him because that may have happened before. "You looked hot in there Rick. I wanted to rip the shirt off you but I couldn't in front of everyone especially my brother." I said, bringing my face closer to his. I was unbuttoning his shirt while I was talking.

"And what were you think of doing to me in there?" He asked.

"I was thinking of ripping your shirt off and pull your pants down and letting you take me right there." I said, seductively. I placed my lips onto his, feeling his beard rub against the skin around my mouth. I started grinding my hips against his while the kiss was getting rougher. He stuffed his tongue into my mouth and started exploring around the inside.

His hands started sliding under my shirt and stopped when they got to my breasts and squeezed slightly which gave me pleasure. I pulled away and slid down and started unbuckling his belt and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them off and threw them onto the floor. I palmed his bulge before removing his boxers. I kissed the tip of his member and licked the pre-cum that leaked out. I wrapped my mouth around the tip and started taking him in my mouth until I fit as much as I can. I wrapped my hand around the part that couldn't fit in my mouth and started bobbing my head.

"Ah shit Maddie." He moaned. I bobbed my head faster and put my hands on his thighs to help me bob my head faster. "Fuck." He moaned, grabbing a fistful of my hair and thrusted into my mouth. The tip was hitting the back of my throat and I gagged a little bit then moaned, sending a vibration through him. A few more thrusts, he released into my mouth.

He flipped us over so he was hovering over me. He pecked my lips and made me sit up so he can lift my shirt over my head. He reached around me and unclipped my bra and threw it to the floor, with my shirt. He made me lay on my back again and started kissing down my jaw and when he got to my neck, he bit and sucked on the skin. He made his way to my chest and connected himself to my breasts. After spending time on my breasts, he kissed down my stomach and got in front of my heat. He kissed my lips before licking up my folds to my clit and sucked on it.

"Shit." I moaned. He put his tongue inside me and thrusted it in and out of me. "Fuck Rick." I moaned, putting my hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer so he'll go deeper. "Oh my god." I moaned. He continued until I released. He pulled away and licked his lips. He crawled back above me and aligned himself to my entrance and pushed inside me. "Ahh fuck." I moaned, scrunching my face slightly.

He started thrusting at a slow pace then bent down and connected our lips. We were kissing while he was thrusting. We were both moaning in the kiss and I wrapped my arms around him and scratched his shoulders, earning a slight groan. He pulled out of the kiss and thrusted harder.

"Ahh fuck Rick. That feels so fucking good." I moaned. I grabbed a fistful of the bed sheet until my fist turned into a pale white color.

"Damn Maddie." He moaned. He sat straighter and held my hips down to keep me from moving and he thrusted faster. "Oh shit." He moaned. He started hitting a spot inside me that added more pleasure.

"Fuck. Right there Rick!" I moaned. He continued thrusting and hitting that spot repeatedly. I was getting closer and closer to my climax. "I'm close." I moaned.

"I am too Maddie." He moaned. I released around him and he pulled out and released onto my stomach. He grabbed something to clean me up with and we put our clothes back on.


"I'm going to go walk around for a little bit." I said, smiling.

"Okay. Don't be surprised if I'm asleep." He said, chuckling.

"I won't." I said, chuckling along with him. I then walked out, closing the door behind me. I walked outside and saw Daryl sitting on the chair outside the building we're sleeping in. I sat down next to him and he looked at me.

"What are you doing awake Maddie?" He asked.

"Not tired yet." I told him. "Daryl, do you think Ezekiel will help us?" I asked.

"I hope so or else coming here would have been a waste of time." He said. "Maddie, I miss Liam." He told me.

"He misses you too. He really wants to be in your arms again." I said.

"I want to have him in my arms. I really want to hold my nephew and I miss spoiling him and teaching him more ways to torture you." He said.

"To be honest, I miss that too." I said. "Daryl, I'm scared of what could potentially happen. What if we fail at fighting the Saviors? I don't want to lose anyone else, I'm tired of losing people." I said, tears building in my eyes.

"I'm scared too, we all are but we have to do this if we want everything to go back to the way they were before we came across the Saviors." He said, looking at me.

"I know I'm just worried." I said, wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me back and we stayed like that for about a minute. "I love you Daryl. I'm lucky to have you as a brother. You always know what to say to make me feel better." I said, smiling.

"I love you too Maddie. And I know more about you than you know about yourself. Before you and Rick got together, I had a feeling you both liked each other but you two were just too slow to realize but I'm happy that you're with Rick. I know he won't hurt you." He said.

"Thank you Daryl. Now let's go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow." I said, standing up. We both walked inside and went to our rooms. I walked inside to see Rick still awake and he looked at me.

"I wanted to wait until you were in bed with me to fall asleep." He said. I chuckled and walked over and laid down then we both fell asleep in each other's arms, anxious for the events tomorrow.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now