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It's been a couple days and I was getting worse. I was beginning to feel too weak to walk but I still forced myself to walk. Whenever I drank water, I would just get rid of it by sweating more or throwing up. I heard the cell block door open and I walked out and saw Glenn walk in with sweat on his face.

"Wait Glenn has the flu?" I asked, hoping that I'm wrong.

"He does." Caleb said. Glenn looked this way and he was put in the cell next to mine.

"I can watch over him since I can't do anything else." I said.

"Okay but remember you need your rest as well." He said, walking out. I sat next to his legs and looked at him.

"How long have you had it Glenn?" I asked.

"The symptoms started a few minutes ago." He told me. "But how are you doing? Are you getting better?" He asked.

"No, I'm getting worse each day. Now I'm getting weaker to the point where I don't want to walk but I do anyways." I said. "I was hoping none of you would get it." I said.

"I was exposed Maddie, so I should've seen it coming." He said. "But I'm more worried about you." He said.

"Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself right now." I said. I was about to say something else until I heard Tyreese yell. "I wish I can see what's going on." I said.

"I wish I could too." He said, falling asleep. I stood up and walked to my cell and laid down, closing my eyes.

Rick's POV:

Me and Daryl ran to where Tyreese was and saw two burnt bodies on the ground.

"You found them like this?" I asked him.

"I came to see Karen. I saw the blood on floor and I smelled it." Tyreese said. "Somebody dragged them out here! They set them on fire! They killed them and set them on fire!" He shouted. He came closer to me which scared me a little and Daryl went behind him just in case he does something. "You're a cop. You find out who did this and bring them to me, you understand? You bring them to me!" He yelled.

"We'll find out who did it." Daryl said, touching his shoulder which Tyreese jerked it off.

"Do I need to say it again?" He asked.

"I know what you're feeling. I've been there and you saw me there." I said. "It's dangerous." I said.

"Karen didn't deserve this!" He shouted. "David didn't deserve it! Nobody does." He shouted again.

"Alright." Daryl said, before Tyreese pushed him against the gate. I went to help him but Daryl put his arm out signaling me not to.

"You tell me who did this!" Tyreese yelled.

"We're on the same side man." Daryl said.

"Look we understand what you're going through. We all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now but you've got to calm down." I said. He then turned around pushed me.

"You stay the hell back!" Tyreese yelled.

"She wouldn't want you being like this." I said, before his fist met my face making me fall to the floor.

" I said, before his fist met my face making me fall to the floor

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"Tyreese stop!" Carol shouted. He punched me again and Daryl grabbed him trying to pull him away from me.

"Man stop it." Daryl said, holding onto Tyreese.

I stood up after touching where he hit me. I swung my arm and punched him to the ground then I kicked him in the side and punched him again.

"Rick." Daryl said. I continued hitting him out of anger. He then grabbed me and tried to pull me away from him.

"Let go of me!" I shouted.

"Rick calm down! That's enough!" Daryl shouted.

I just stood there holding me bloody hand, realizing what I was doing. I walked back into the prison. I sat down and tried to calm myself down.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now