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We were in the van driving to Noah's neighborhood. I was seated between Rick and Michonne in the middle seat. My head was on Rick's shoulder and his hand was on my thigh just resting there. Tyreese was talking about what his and Sasha's father told them and I was listening.

"Two more miles." Noah told us.

"Alright. Let's pull into the woods. We'll go on foot." Rick said, before looking at me. "Will you be able to do that Maddie?" He asked.

"Yeah I can. I'm only six months pregnant. I can still walk." I replied.

He smiled before we came to a stop. We got out with Rick helping me get out. We walked around the car and saw more cars in the woods.

"This is good." Rick said. "Through the trees, it'll look like it's part of the wreck." He said, looking at us.

We looked at the tan car when we heard a walker inside trying to get out of the car but wasn't working out for it.

"This way." Noah said. We started following him through the woods until we came up to a wire fence.

"Your people do this?" Michonne asked Noah.

"Wanted to. Must have." Noah replied.

We went between them. Glenn and Rick made sure I didn't fall forward onto my face and belly since I was bending forward. We heard Noah groan and I looked at him.

"Are you alright?" Rick asked.

"Yeah I'm okay." He responded.

I looked at the cut on his forehead and luckily I had an alcohol wipe packet in my pocket just in case. I pulled it out and dabbed the cut to sanitize it so it doesn't get infected.

"Thank you." He said, smiling.

"No problem." I replied, smiling back at him.

Glenn kept his arm around my waist to keep me steady since we're walking over sticks and other things that could end up tripping me.

"They have spotters? Snipers?" Rick asked Noah.

"We built a perch on a truck. We park it sometimes out front." He told him. I felt the need to sit down.

"Glenn, I need to sit down for a sec." I told Glenn.

"Okay, let's set you down slowly." He said, helping me sit on the ground.

"Thank you Glenn." I thanked him, smiling.

"Anytime Maddie, just tell me when you're ready to stand back up." He said, smiling.

"You're such a gentleman Glenn." I said.

"That's how I was raised." He said. After a few minutes, I was ready to stand up.

"I'm ready to stand now, my feet is rested enough." I said. Glenn came next to me and put his arm around my waist and lifted me up on my feet. "And you're also pretty strong." I said.

"All the heavy lifting paid off then." He said.

"Yes it did but just wait for when I'm eight or nine months, I'll be heavier to lift." I said, chuckling.

"Gotta work out more then." He said, chuckling along. Glenn walked way from me to check to see if the truck is there then came back. "It's not out there today." He told us.

He wrapped his arm back around me and we began walking. Rick and Glenn helped me up the little hill and walked until we got on a road then walked to the gate.

Noah tried to open the gate but it wouldn't open. We heard noise coming from the distance.

"You hear that?" Noah asked.

"Just wait." Glenn said.

Glenn let go of me and climbed the fence. He looked over and looked back with a look that didn't mean anything good and he shook his head. Noah climbed the fence as well and climbed over. Rick helped me up and I saw Glenn standing on the other side waiting for me to come down. I went down and he caught me then we all started following Noah.

"Noah, hold up." Rick said. Noah didn't listen and he began running the best he can with a hurt leg. "Noah!" Rick shouted, starting to run.

Glenn had his arm around my waist tight and we started running as well. We came to a stop at an intersection of the streets. We heard a walker and Noah started crying at the sight of everyone that he knew was dead on the ground and some possibly walkers now.

Noah fell to the ground still crying and I walked over to him. I crouched down as good as I can and put my hand on his shoulder but didn't say anything. He sat up and wrapped his arms around me, crying into my shoulder while I rubbed his back.

"Come on Noah, it's all right." I said. "You're going to be with us now." I said, standing up the best I can with him still holding onto me. I looked at Rick and saw that he didn't know what to do. The walker continued making noise until Michonne said that she'll take care of it. "It's all right, let it all out." I said, next to his ear. Rick walked over and put his hand on Noah's shoulder while he was still crying into me.

"I'm sorry Noah. I really am, all of us are. We should see if we can find anything we can use and head back." Rick said.

"Then what?" Michonne asked. "They see us." She said, walking to kill the walkers that saw us.

"We can do a quick sweep." Glenn said.

"I'll stay with Noah and Maddie." Tyreese said.

Rick looked at me and I nodded saying that we'll be fine. He walked away with Glenn and Michonne to search for supplies.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now