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We were now in a woods and we had our guns ready. We crouched down while Rosita looked through the binoculars then handed them to Carol. I was more nervous than ever for what is going to go down. We aimed our guns and started shooting the Saviors that were there. I shot two or three of them in the head. We went up looked around and I grabbed something that looked useful to us. I saw Morgan looking at something but I didn't see anything. I was starting to worry about Morgan a while back but I can't do anything because I don't know if something is wrong.

"Hey. Hey you with us?" Paul asked him. He snapped out of what his mind was on. The walkers were tied together in a line.

"Good people, found something on our quarry." Ezekiel said.

"What is it?" Michonne asked.

"A list and another map. What appear to be other facts." Ezekiel said.

"They're lining up Saviors on the Old Mill Road. That's where Negan will be." Rick said.

"We have to get to Negan before they figure out what happened here." Carol said. Rick put the walkie to his mouth.

"Maggie." He said.

"I'm here." Maggie said.

"It's time. It was a trap. So we're changing the plan." Rick told her. We started heading to the Old Mill Road.

After a little while, we were on a field and to be honest it was a beautiful view. I smiled at the view and reality slipped past me and I enjoyed it for as long as it lasted. It looked like the apocalypse never happened and I loved it.

"Are you okay Maddie?" Rick asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm okay. I'm just looking at the view in this field." I said.

"It is quite beautiful." He said, smiling. We soon came to a stop at the top of the hill and looked at the woods from where we came from.

"Ever see one that big?" Jerry asked.

"No. Things are changing. Let's go." Rick said, after we took one last look at the top of the trees.

"How much farther?" Daryl asked.

"We grow closer." Ezekiel answered him. "Yonder. Over the ridge." He added. We walked further past some skinny trees and we heard whistling. We put our guns up and was ready to shoot.

"Well damn Rick. Look at that. Pegged, pegged very hard." Negan said. "I ambushed your ambush with an even bigger ambush." He said.

"How about you step out and face us?" Rick shouted.

"Oh I am everywhere, Rick. Some more bullhorns, more walkies. Pick a direction to run, see how you do. Make it fun for all of us. Guess what else I did? I brought you some of your old friends." Negan said. "You remember your old buddy Eugene? Well he is the person who made today possible. Same goes for Dwighty boy here. In case you were wondering, he didn't ream you on purpose. He is just a gutless, nothing that sucks at life and now he gets to stand up here and watch you all die. And he's going to live like that. Gabriel, well...he's got to go too. We are cleaning house today Rick. And then...there's you. It never had to be a fight. You just had to accept how things are. So, here we go. Congratulations Rick." He said. "Three!...Two!...One!" Negan said.

A long line of men showed up at the top of the hill and they shot but then they all fell. Some of their guns broke in half. Most likely from the bullets Eugene made.

"Now!" Rick shouted. We all then ran up the hill and once we saw the Saviors we started shooting and killing them. Me and Rick were chasing Negan while the others were still fighting the other Saviors. We saw Negan running down the hill to a tree. Rick shot but hit something that had glass and obviously broke it. Negan hid behind the tree.

Rick told me to stay here while he dealt with Negan. I nodded my head and he ran after him. They both started fighting and they ended up on the ground. It was taking everything in me to not shoot Negan right here, right now. I knew that Rick wanted to be the one to do it. Negan was now standing but Rick was still on the ground.

I then saw Rick standing up, slowly. I can tell they were talking but I don't know what they're saying. Negan was slowly walking closer to Rick. Rick then swung his arm across and Negan fell to the ground. Even though Rick told me to stay there, I made my way down the hill. I stopped next to Rick and saw blood coming out of Negans neck and he had his hand on it. After standing there for a bit, we turned around and saw everyone watching.

I don't know why but tears were in my eyes. I shouldn't be sad about this. Rick walked away but I stayed with Negan.

"Save him." Rick said to Siddiq. I widened my eyes at what he said. He wanted Negan dead but now he wants him alive.

"No!" Maggie shouted. "No he killed Glenn!" She shouted.

"We have to make it right." Rick said.

"It's not over until he's dead!" Maggie shouted. I walked over to Maggie and stopped in front of her. She kept shouting and crying.

"Negan's alive but his way of doing things are over!" Rick shouted to everyone.

"Negan's alive but his way of doing things are over!" Rick shouted to everyone

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"Anyone who can't live with that, will pay the price and I promise you that. And any person here who would live in peace and fairness...who would find common ground this world is yours, by right. We are life. That's death! And it's coming for us. Unless we stand together! So go home then the work begins. The new world begins." Rick said. "All this is just what was. There's got to be something after." Rick said, walking back down towards Negan.

Everyone left except for me and Rick. Rick was sitting against the tree, possibly thinking about what happened. We sat in silence and we were in our own thoughts until we left to go home.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now