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I didn't get that much sleep since I'm tied up and laying on the cold, hard floor. I was still laying on my side when the door opened. I looked to see Negan.

"Morning doll. How did you sleep?" He asked. I feel like he already knows my answer.

"Terrible." I said, showing no emotion. I sat up but with difficulty. He knelt down and looked me in the eyes.

"Well, I'm moving you to a room with a comfortable bed and you're not going to be tied up anymore. But you have to follow what I say and if you don't, you'll end up back in here. Do you understand me?" He said.

"Yeah." I said. I feel like the comfortable room he's talking about is his room but yet I could be wrong and I hope I'm wrong. He walked closer and pulled his knife out and cut the rope off my wrists. He made me stand up and we started walking.

While we were walking, I was looking around and we were out of the cell part and I saw a lot of people working and I looked out the window and saw that they had walkers in an area blocked by a fence and people in clothes that each of them had a different letter on the front and back of the shirt. I was curious why they had different letters for different people but I was too scared to ask. After walking for a little bit longer, we got to a hallway that looked better than the other areas at least from what I've seen so far.

"Here's the room you're staying in doll." He said, opening the door and we both walked inside. The room was decorated and it had a bed with a big mattress. The room also had a big window and I walked over and looked through the it and saw a garden area below. "Now for the rules doll that you must follow and you have to follow all of them. You can't leave this room unless me or Simon is with you, so don't try to escape. You must obey the Saviors especially me. You have to listen to whatever we say even if you don't like it. Don't argue with me or Simon because that will come with consequences and you don't want to find out what they are. If you need any female products, tell either me or Simon and we'll get you some but don't be all embarrassed because if you don't tell us, you won't get the stuff you need. You're only allowed to talk to me or Simon even if someone wants to say hello, you don't respond to them. Do you understand me doll?" He said.

"I understand." I said. The rules are strict but I'm scared to tell Negan or Simon when I'm having woman problems. But that got pushed out of my mind when I thought about Liam and how he needs his mother. I've thought about him when I got here and I'm worried but I can't show that because Negan could possibly use my son against me.

"You got a change of clothes in the closet if you want to change into something else. And don't think about hiding anything doll or else you will regret it." He said, walking out and closing the door behind him. I sat on the bed and felt how soft it was. It felt like I was sitting on a cloud.

I stood up and walked to the closet and opened it, seeing clothes that are pretty close to how I dress which is usually in jeans and either a t-shirt or a tank top. I even saw boots that almost looks like the ones I'm currently wearing. I looked through the clothes and found a pair of pajamas. They were black ones and it looked like they were made out of either silk or satin. I closed the closet doors and walked back to the bed and laid down and I didn't realize that I fell asleep.

Rick's POV:

I didn't sleep that well since I was worried about Maddie. I hope he's not doing anything to her and if he is, I'm going to kill him with my bare hands. That David guy is also there and he's most likely going to try something. I just know he will. I have to tell Daryl about it and I know how he's going to react to the news that Maddie was taken to the Sanctuary, most likely to be used as leverage so we don't try anything.

"We have to go to Hilltop and tell them about Maddie." Carl said.

"I know and we are." I said. I'm not in a very good mood. We walked out of Alexandria and went to the car and started driving to the Hilltop to tell them the news.

After awhile of driving, we were now past the walls and I turned the car off. I got out and saw Jesus walking out of the house.

"I didn't know you two would be coming." Jesus said.

"We've got a problem." I said.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"The Saviors took Maddie when they came to Alexandria, looking for Daryl." Carl said. He just stood there shocked at what Carl just told him.

"Why did they take her?" He asked.

"Most likely using her as leverage so we don't try anything dumb." I said. "We have to tell Daryl about his sister. I know he's not going to react well to it and he might try to do something so I need someone to keep Daryl from doing anything." I added.

"Okay, I can head over to the Kingdom while you and the others tried to figure out what to do." Jesus said.

"Thanks. I would tell him but like you said, I have to figure out what to do to get her back." I said. After a little while, he left to go to the Kingdom to break the news to Daryl while me and Carl went back to Alexandria to do some planning.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now