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(Warning 🔞: This chapter has smut. If you don't want to read that, skip down until you see these: ~~~~~~)

I woke up to Rick staring at me with a smile on his face.

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"It's 8:30 at night." He replied. A smirk made its way onto my face and I swung my leg over and hovered over him.

"I owe you something for being in that cell block for so long." I said, leaning down then kissing and nipped at the skin on his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and moaned slightly. "I'm going to give you the night of your life Rick." I said, sitting up and lifting my shirt over my head.

I made sure the curtain was closed and it was. I leaned down and placed my lips onto his while I was grinding on his crotch. He moaned in the kiss and moved his hands down to my ass and made me move on his crotch faster and harder. I pulled out of the kiss and reached behind me and unclipped my bra and threw it to the floor.

"Fuck Maddie." He moaned, looking at me.

I started to remove his shirt and I stood up to take my pants and underwear off, leaving me with nothing on. He made his legs hang off the bed and I unbuckled his belt then pulled his pants down, leaving him in his boxers.

I palmed him before pulling his boxers down and wrapped my hand around the base of his member and started pumping him at a slow pace. I licked the tip and put him into my mouth until the tip hit the back of my throat. I bobbed my head up and down his shaft at a slow pace then started speeding up.

"Ahh fuck." He moaned, throwing his head back. He put his hand on the back of my head and started thrusting into my mouth, fast.

I moaned around him which sent a vibration through him making him moan. He thrusted a few more times then released in my mouth. I pulled him out and swallowed before getting up on the bed and he went between my legs and kissed me. He made his way down until he was in front of my throbbing heat. He licked up my folds to my clit and started sucking it.

"Fuck Rick." I moaned. He put his tongue into my hole and thrusted it in and out of me. He pulled his tongue out and replaced it with two of his fingers. His fingers curled and slid smoothly against my walls. He thrusted them faster and faster. He came up and kissed me while thrusting. The faster he went, the closer I was at reaching my high. "Shit." I moaned, slamming my head against the pillow. I was getting closer to my high and I soon released around his fingers.

He pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth, tasting me. I made him go on his back and hovered over him. I kissed him before reaching down and aligned him to my entrance then started to sink down on him until he was fully inside me. I put my hands on his chest and started bouncing up and down on him.

"Ahh Rick." I moaned next to his ear.

"Fuck Maddie, you feel so fucking good around me." He moaned, putting his hands on my hips and guiding me. He flipped me over and hovered over me and thrusted into me harder, slamming his hips hard against mine. He started hitting my g-spot.

"Right there Rick." I moaned. He leaned down and kissed me while thrusting faster, hitting the spot repeatedly. "I'm getting closer Rick." I moaned, pulling and before releasing around him. After a few more thrusts, he released inside of me. He pulled out and laid beside me, covering our bodies with the blanket.


"I love you Maddie." He said, smiling.

"I love you too Rick. And the baby loves you too." I said, smiling back.

"And I love the baby too." He said, rubbing my belly. We put our clothes back on and went to get a little snack to eat. We were sitting outside just looking around while eating in a comfortable silence.

"Rick, do you think this flu will go away?" I asked, worried about everyone that's still in the cell block.

"It'll go away Maddie, it might take awhile though." Rick said.

"But we're losing people from it. Hell I could've died from it if I didn't get the antibiotics in time. But I recovered faster than the others and Hershel said I had the worst out of all of them but I'm still alive." I said.

"Don't say that Maddie, you weren't going to die." Rick said.

"You don't know that. I know what Hershel said, I heard him. I heard him tell you that if I didn't get the antibiotics soon, I wouldn't make it. All that was going through my head when I was just laying in bed was what would happen if I died and left everyone." I said. "I know you and Daryl would blame yourselves but if I died I wouldn't want you, Daryl or anyone else blaming yourselves, that's the last thing I want. The reason I lived is because I was thinking about everyone that cares about me especially you and Daryl. I can't die and have Daryl lose his only sibling he has left and I can't die leaving you with the grief of losing someone else that you love." I added, tears falling from my eyes.

"I know but I believed that you would live same goes with Daryl. And we didn't and that's what matters." He said, pulling me close to him. I buried my head in his shoulder and cried.

"I love you Rick and I always will." I said. "I don't ever want to lose you or leave you." I added.

"I love you too Maddie and I don't want lose you either." He said, pecking my lips.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now