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I was woken up to talking outside. It sounded like Daryl and Rick. I got up and left the tent, making them both look at me. Rick then walked to the house and Daryl came towards me.

"Maddie, I'm gonna go and search for Sophia now." He told me.

"By yourself?" I asked, worried.

"I have to Maddie, don't worry I'll be fine." He assured.

"I can't help but worry Daryl, I don't want anything happening to you." I said. "At least let me come with you, please." I begged. He sighed before responding.

"I know Maddie but I don't want you coming with me and risk your life." He said. "You need to stay here. I'll be back." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay but please be safe out there." I said, hugging him.

"I will." He said, hugging back. He then left and disappeared into the woods.

"Hey Maddie, can you come here?" Andrea asked. I turned in her direction.

"I'm coming." I said, walking towards her. "What do you need Andrea?" I asked, when I walked to her.

"Can you help me put this gun back together?" She asked.

"Why did you take it apart?" I asked.

"I wanted to learn how to." She said. "And since you hunted before all of this, I figured you'd know how to put it back together." She said, scratching the back of her head.

"Okay." I replied, chuckling.

"Where did Daryl go?" She asked. I looked up while putting the gun back together.

"He went to look for Sophia again." I replied, going back to what I was doing. I was worrying about him but he's smart. Andrea must've noticed that I was worried.

"He'll be alright Maddie." She assured me. I finished putting the gun together and put the gun down on the table. I leaned back so my back was against the seat.

"I know but I can't help but worry about him." I said, smiling faintly.

"I understand you're worried, he is your brother." She said. "He's smart, he'll come back." She said.

We chatted until it was getting dark. I walked out of the RV and went to the tent. Daryl still wasn't back and I was more worried than before, I sure hope he's okay.

"Maddie, I need to talk to you." Shane said, behind me.

"But I don't want to talk to you Shane." I said, sternly.

"Look Maddie, I'm sorry for what I did at the CDC." He said.

"I don't think you are Shane, for fuck sake you were a cop before all of this!" I said. "You made me lose trust in you! I don't want to see you, so get the hell away from me!" I shouted, going into the tent and sat down on the ground. I wrapped my arms around my knees and started crying.

"Maddie, it's me Rick." Rick said. "Can I come in?" He asked. I quickly stopped crying.

"Y-Yeah." I said, cursing myself for stuttering. He came in and sat beside me.

"Have you been crying Maddie?" He asked. I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head. "What happened?" He asked, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm worried about Daryl and also Shane wanted to speak to me and I kind of lost my temper." I told him.

"Did he try something again?" He asked.

"No. After I yelled at him, I came in here." I answered. "But don't worry Rick I'll be fine. Daryl taught me how to defend myself even though I couldn't defend myself against Shane at the CDC." I said, looking down.

He pulled me into a hug and his heartbeat was soothing. I was soon calmed down and we pulled away.

"Let me know if you need anything okay." He said.

"Okay, thank you again." I said, smiling.

He smiled then left me alone in the tent. I laid down and closed my eyes, praying for Daryl to come back.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now