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It was the next morning and I was driving the Hyundai through the gates to where Rick said to put the vehicles. I shut the engine off and stepped out.

"We have to pile the bodies and burn them." T-Dog said.

"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use their help." Rick asked.

"They're in the guard tower." I said.

"They were in there last night." Rick said.

"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl shouted. Glenn then came out without a shirt on.

"Hey what's up guys?" He asked. We all laughed knowing what happened in there.

"You coming?!" Daryl shouted.

"What?" Glenn asked, confused. We chuckled again.

"Are you coming?!" Daryl shouted again. "We need you to help us out with piling the bodies and burning them!" Daryl shouted.

"Oh okay, we'll be right down." He said, going back in the guard tower.

"It's obvious they did something up there." I said, laughing.

"Obviously." Daryl said, laughing along with me. Glenn then showed up beside us.

"I'm ready." He said. I was trying to hold back a smile and a laugh.

"I'll drive the truck after we finish putting the bodies on the back." I said.

They all nodded their heads and we started putting the dead bodies in the back of the truck. It took awhile for us to finish burning the bodies and I was alone with Glenn. He looked embarrassed after earlier when he answered with no shirt on.

"So Glenn." I began. "Have fun in the tower?" I asked, smirking.

"We didn't do anything Maddie!" He said.

"Glenn, you can't hide it." I said. "We all saw you with no shirt on and buckling your belt and I saw a glimpse of Maggie in her bra, so I know for sure you both did something." I said. That made him blush. "Don't be embarrassed Glenn, it's human nature to get in that kind of mood." I said. "Besides, you and Maggie look cute together." I added, winking at him.

"You really think so Maddie?" He asked.

"Yes I do. Did you ask her out yet?" I asked.

"Not yet." He replied. I widened my eyes and decided to tease him a little bit.

"So you and her are friends with benefits?" I asked, knowing what he's going to do.

"No! I like her Maddie!" He exclaimed.

That took me by surprise. Not him liking her because I already knew that part but I didn't know he'll shout it for everyone, including the walkers, to hear. Hell, Maggie most likely heard it.

"I know you do Glenn, I was just playing with you." I said, chuckling.

"You know what I'm done, I'm going inside." He said, walking away from me. Daryl then showed up beside me.

"Good job Maddie." Daryl said, laughing.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"You got him to shout that he likes Maggie and I'm pretty sure Maggie and her father heard him." He answered.

"You know me Daryl, I have my ways to make people confess their love to somebody." I said, chuckling. We went inside and saw Glenn and Maggie in their cell.

"I think they're going to do something in there when no one's around." Daryl said into my ear.

"I agree with you." I said, laughing. They looked at us and we quickly walked away while laughing a bit.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now