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It's been a couple weeks since we first arrived at the farm and Daryl was back to doing what he usually does. My thoughts were interrupted by Glenn speaking, getting everyone's attention.

"Umm guys I have to tell you something." Glenn said.

"What is it Glenn?" I asked.

"There's walkers in the barn." He said. My eyes widened at what Glenn just said.

"When did you find that out? Just now?" I asked.

"I knew about it but Glenn wanted to be the one to tell you all." Dale said.

"We can't do anything about it, cause it's Hershels barn and land." Rick said.

"So you're saying you're fine with this? With walkers in the barn Rick?!" Shane asked, getting angry.

"I'm not okay with it but we're guests here, this isn't our land." Rick replied.

"This is our lives!" Shane shouted.

"Shane, Rick's right." I said. "We're lucky Hershel's letting us stay here and we can't go doing something that could possibly cause him to kick us out." I said, putting my hands on my waist.

"He's putting our lives in danger Maddie! You're just too fucking dumb to realize that!" Shane exclaimed.

"Don't fucking call my sister dumb!" Daryl shouted, defending me.

"I'm clearing out that barn if he likes it or not!" Shane yelled, walking to the barn.

We all followed him along with Hershel, Maggie and Beth. Hershel was obviously mad about what Shane is going to do, which I don't blame him. Shane put his eye close to the door and backed away when the doors moved and groaning was heard.

"Don't open the barn! They're just sick!" Hershel said.

"They're not sick! They're dead and they'll kill anyone they get their hands on!" Shane said.

We got our guns ready because we won't be able to talk Shane out of opening the doors. He opened the barn doors and walkers started walking out and we killed them one by one until there was no more.

When we thought they were all gone, we heard walking coming from the barn. We looked and got our guns ready until we saw what was coming out. It was Sophia walking out as a walker.

"No!" Carol shouted, running to her but Daryl stopped her.

We all stood there shocked and sad to see Sophia. We looked everywhere for her and she was here the whole time as a walker. Rick walked to her and aimed his gun at her head. There were tears building up in my eyes seeing such a sweet little girl like this. Rick then shot her, putting her down so she can rest in peace.

I fell to the ground and let the tears fall from my eyes. Shane looked like he regretted opening the barn. Everyone walked back to the tents except for Carol, she wanted to stay with her dead daughter and no one stopped her because we knew that she had to mourn her daughters death. Daryl was holding me close, seeing how emotional I was getting.

"I want all of you off my land!" Hershel shouted. I don't blame him for getting mad.

"Hershel, we can't leave. My wife is pregnant." Rick said. "It's not safe for her to be out there." He added.

After awhile, Rick convinced him to let us stay here. It was nighttime and Carol was still with Sophia. I walked to her and sat down next to her.

"Carol, she's not suffering anymore." I said. "And she will never leave you, she'll always be with you in your heart and she'll always watch over you from above." I said.

"It's all because of Rick, because he left her by herself." Carol said.

"He told her to hide while he distracted the walkers and told her that he'll go back to get her when he killed them and that's what he did but she wasn't there anymore." I said. "Rick risked his life to save your daughter and you can't be blaming him because of what happened." I told her.

"So you're saying it was her fault?" She asked, getting angry.

"I'm not saying that." I said. "I'm saying that when Sophia ran into the woods, Rick didn't wait another second to go chasing after her." I told her. "Rick is a good man, he tried his best to find her." I said. "Do you think Sophia would want you blaming him like this? Because I don't think she would, she'll want you to forgive him because she knows that he tried to find her." I added.

She just sighed and looked at me.

"And when we went to search for her, she did what Rick told her to do." I continued. "She kept the sun on her left shoulder like Rick said which shows she was heading back to the highway." I said.

"I guess you're right, I shouldn't blame him for trying." She said, sniffling. "But I miss her and I don't want to live without her." She said.

"She'll want you to live on for her because she's still alive in your heart and she'll never leave." I said.

"Okay thank you Maddie." She thanked, smiling faintly.

"I'm always here if you need someone to talk to." I assured, pulling her into my embrace. "We'll bury her in the morning because it's too dangerous to do it now." I said, helping her stand up.

"Okay." She said.

We walked to the tents and I helped her into hers and fell asleep when her head touched the pillow. I went to mine and Daryls tent and laid down.

"Night Maddie." Daryl said, beside me.

"Night Daryl." I replied, smiling. I closed my eyes and fell sleep with the events of today in my in head.

Daryls Sister {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now